Types of Psychological Disorders -Symptoms and Causes -How to Overcome Mental Illness Naturally

Psychological disorders are mental health conditions that affect mood, thinking, and behavior.
There are different types of psychological disorders and mental illnesses.
Common mental disorders include anxiety disorders, depression, bipolar disorder, dementia, schizophrenia autism, ADHD, OCD, PTSD and other psychoses.
Mental illness
The most common types of psychological disorders, symptoms and causes of mental disorders and self-help techniques for coping with mental illnesses.

Types of Psychological Disorders - Symptoms and Causes - How to Overcome Mental Illness Naturally

Psychological Disorders

Psychological disorders are mental illnesses and disorders that lead to an abnormal change in a person's behavior, psyche, cognitive functions of the brain, in addition to a disruption in a person's ability to control his feelings and emotions. This leads to the emergence of strange psychological and behavioral symptoms that negatively affect his life, work, study, and relationship with people.

There are different types of psychological disorders. 
The symptoms caused by one mental illness are different from the symptoms caused by another mental illness.

In this article, we will let you know the most common types of psychological disorders, symptoms and causes of mental disorders and self-help techniques for coping with mental illnesses.

What are the Most Common Types of Psychological Disorders?

There is a wide range of psychological and mental disorders that the human race can suffer from, and they can be divided into disorders that affect adults and diseases that affect children.
The major types of psychological disorder and the main mental illness categories are:

Neurodevelopmental disorder: This type covers a wide range of problems that usually begin in early adulthood or childhood. Examples include autism spectrum disorderAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and learning disorders.

Schizophrenia and other psychiatric disorders: Mental disorders cause separation from reality, such as delusions, hallucinations, speech, and unorganized thinking. 
One of the most well-known examples is schizophrenia, although other classes of disorders can sometimes be separated from reality.

Bipolar disorders and associated disorders: This category of disorders involves alternating episodes of mania and frustration, where mania is defined as successive periods of activity, energy, and excitement.

Depression disorders: This includes disorders that affect your emotional feelings, such as the level of sadness and happiness that can impair your functional abilities. Examples include depressive disorders, clinical depression, and pre-menstrual disturbance.

Anxiety disorders: Anxiety is a sense of anticipation of future danger and misfortune, accompanied by deep concern. Behavior can be desired to avoid situations that cause anxiety. This category includes generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and phobias.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder and associated disorders: These disorders include frequent concerns, thoughts, and actions. Examples include Obsessive-Compulsive DisorderDisability Disorder, and Trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder).

Stress-related disorders: These are stress disorders in which a person has a problem coping during or after stressful life events. Examples include post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and acute stress disorder.

Schizophrenic disorders: There are some disorders that suffer from an imbalance in the senses, such as schizophrenic disorders and memory loss.

Psychosomatic disorders: A person with these disorders may suffer from physical symptoms without apparent medical cause, but these disorders are associated with severe distress and imbalance. Disorders include somatic disorder (formerly known as delusion) and Substance-induced mental disorder.

Eating disorders: These include food-related disorders, such as Binge Eating Disorder, Rumination Disorder, Bulimia Nervosa, Anorexia Nervosa, and food cravings.

Elimination disorders: These disorders are related to urination or defecation by mistake or intentionally, such as urination in bed (incontinence).

Sleeping disorders: Severe sleep disorder may require clinical care, such as insomnia, sleep apnea, and leg restlessness syndrome.

Erectile Dysfunction (ED): This includes sexual response disorders, such as premature ejaculation and sexual peak disturbance in women.

Emotional Disturbance: This is due to the defect associated with a person's desire to convert to another gender.

Self - control and behavioral disorders: These disorders include emotional and behavioral problems in self-control, such as dizziness or interruptions.

Substance abuse and related disorders: These symptoms include problems associated with excessive alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, and drugs. This category also includes gambling disorder.

Cognitive disorders (CDs)Cognitive disorders affect your ability to think and rationalize. These acquired cognitive problems (as well as developmental) include delirium and cognitive neurodegenerative disorders resulting from conditions or diseases such as traumatic brain injury or Alzheimer's disease.

Personality disorders:  Personality disorders include a permanent pattern of emotional instability and unhealthy behavior that causes problems in your life and relationships. Examples include marginal personality disorder, introverted personality disorder, and narcissistic personality disorder.

Sexual preference disorders (Paraphilia):  These disorders include libido, which causes personal problems, disruptions or causes potential or actual harm to another person. Examples include sexual sadism disorder, dislocations, transvestic fetishism, other types of fetishism, pedophilia, frotteurism, voyeurism, exhibitionism, and sexual masochism.

Other mental health disorders:  This category includes mental disorders resulting from other medical conditions or that do not correspond to one of the above disorders.

Signs and Symptoms of Psychological Disorder

There are many signs that indicate the existence of psychological disorder or psychiatric illness including the following:

Physical symptoms: These symptoms are a lot of things that did not exist primarily in the physical behavior of the person, such as persistent headache, chronic insomnia, uncomfortable restless sleep, and constant disturbing vision of dreams, because the inner mind is affected by the sick psychic, the loss of body weight, the blackness of the skin, the withering of the eyes, and the feeling of sporadic pain in the body without an organic cause.

Emotional symptoms: The most important of these symptoms is the constant feeling of sadness and fear for no apparent reason, fear of the future and people and things, constant anxiety, the feeling of great tension, lack of desire to laugh and talk, and the tendency to silence and isolation, and the constant desire to cry without reason, The appearance of hatred of people, and the desire to harm them.

Cognitive symptoms: Such as the loss of the ability to think logically, the inability to concentrate mentally, and the continuous forgetfulness, with several disorders of memory, and remember strange things, accompanied by some abnormal ideas, and analysis of the illogical things, and often are aggressive ideas, and promote the sense of internal injustice and by others, Remorse and self-blame.

Behavioral symptoms: Behavioral symptoms are the failure to do things that were part of the daily routine, violent behavior with things and people, and the desire to use drugs or alcohol or drugs containing painkillers, and traffic cases of intense anger and emotion.

Psychosis symptoms: This is the most serious psychological symptom at all, where the person imagines the occurrence of things that never happened, and claims to hear different sounds and strange, and see things not seen by anyone else, and accuse others of their reactions and actions never happened.

Causes of Psychological Disorders

The causes that lead to the emergence of mental illnesses are complex and external environmental conditions (physical and social) with internal conditions (psychological and physical) that lead the individual to many non-adaptive behaviors, both internally and externally.

There are many causes of psychological disorders and mental illnesses. Genes and family history play a role in the emergence of mental illnesses. 
The reason maybe life experiences such as stress or assault, and biological factors such as brain injuries, the mother's exposure to viruses, or toxic chemicals during pregnancy.

There are other factors that increase the risk, such as the use of illegal drugs, or the presence of a serious medical condition such as cancer.

How to Overcome Mental Illness Naturally 

Here are some self-help tips and techniques that might help you cope with mental illness and keep a healthy perspective.

Educate yourself. The more you know about mental disorders, the more you'll be able to cope with them.
Be socially connected and share both your joy and burdens in life with friends and family.
Get enough sleep at night in order to feel rested the next day.
Try to spend some time outdoors every day.
Breathe in and out as deep breathing can help you calm down. 
Realize that your brain is playing tricks on you.
Pursue self-help and therapy that helps you manage symptoms.
Learn to manage stress for optimum health.
Don’t let people treat you badly.
Do regular exercise and keep yourself physically fit.
Know your limitations, but focus on your strong points.
Figure out who will accept you with this condition.
Keep taking hobbies and learning.
Keep your limbs and brain active.
Be positive in thinking and have an optimistic outlook
Change the way you see what happen to you.
Say no to illicit drugs and excessive use of alcohol.
Seek help early when there is a mental health problem.

Read more: Diagnosis and Treatment of Psychological disorder 

The Scientific World

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