10 Key Facts about Learning Disabilities - How to Deal with Learning Disorders

Learning disabilities (LD) are conditions that may affect a child's ability to learn, understand, and memorize. Learning disabilities affect a good percentage of children. 
If your child has a learning disability, please remember that he is not mentally unstable! He just needs a different approach to learning. 
A child with a learning disability usually works differently than others when it comes to processing new information. Here you will learn how to deal with learning disabilities.
Learning Disabilities
How to support a child with learning disabilities

 10 Key Facts about Learning Disabilities - How to Deal with Learning Disorders

Learning Disabilities (LD)

Learning disabilities are one of the problems that children and adults suffer from, which means that there are problems with a number of basic skills, along with problems in organizational skills, time planning, memory, and thinking.

Learning disabilities are far from the problems caused by visual, auditory and motor disabilities, as learning disabilities create problems in an individual's academic life, as well as problems in relationships with family, friends, and others. 

Learning disabilities have a number of warning signs that can be observed across different age groups.

Learning Disorders

A learning disorder is a term that means education-related disabilities, especially problems related to nervous development, without any mental disabilities. 
This is due to emotional or sensory problems, or to a lack of educational opportunities, as it expresses more broadly all the learning difficulties that any child or adult suffers continuously in relation to one of the areas of education.

Examples include a child's fear of reading aloud, difficulty writing an essay, or problems with mathematics.

People with learning disorders can be stupid or suffer from laziness, and may even be smart, but their brains receive information coming to it and treat it differently from the brains of normal people.

How is a Learning Disability Diagnosed?

Learning disabilities are often difficult to diagnose, especially in early childhood. However, there are a few signs and symptoms that can indicate learning disorders.

The diagnosis of learning disabilities has traditionally been performed by conducting two tests; a standardized achievement (reading, writing, arithmetic) test and an intelligence (or IQ) test and noticing a significant discrepancy between their scores.

If your child is already diagnosed with learning disorders, you will need to visit a doctor and follow his advice and instructions.

Now you will need a specialist who is conscious and in the right frame of mind when it comes to help your child cope with learning disabilities.

You may also want to know more about the causes of learning disabilities to make sure to keep your child at a safer distance; however, the causes of these disorders are not well known by scientists. 
However, they expected that some factors may be the causes of learning disorders in children.

What causes a Learning Disability?

Common causes of learning disabilities and risk factors may include:

Genetic Factors: Researchers note that learning disabilities are passed on from generation to generation. There is still controversy over whether heredity is the cause or whether children follow their parents ’approach to education.

Stages of Brain Development: Some experts believe that the stages of brain development before or after birth play a role in learning disabilities, including problems such as low weight, premature birth, lack of oxygen, or the child's exposure to a blow to the head.

Environmental Factors: Children and infants are most susceptible to environmental toxins, such as lead that can be found in old homes as paint or water pipes, which may contribute to learning difficulties. Poor learning may also result from early childhood malnutrition, which may lead to learning difficulties in advanced ages.

Read more: Learning Disabilities Facts and Myths - How to Support a Child with LD

10 Key Facts about Learning Disabilities - Infographic

Learning disabilities infographic
10 Key Facts About Learning Disabilities - Infographic

How to Deal with Learning Disabilities

Common Types of Learning Disabilities and Ways to Deal with Learning Disorders may include:

Reading disability
To treat this type of disability, special teaching techniques are used to help the person with LD learn through multisensory experiences, providing immediate feedback to enhance his word recognition ability, in addition to giving extra time to students who have difficulty reading to finish assignments, and providing recorded tests that allow them to listen to questions rather than read them.

Dyslexia and Spelling Difficulty
Dyslexia is sometimes referred to as a language-based learning disability. Spelling difficulty is more common in people with dyslexia.

This type of disability can be dealt with by using special tools. The teachers also provide oral exams to students, provide a blogger for notes, as well as allow students to submit reports in the form of a recorded video instead of writing them down.

Student Difficulties in Mathematics Problem Solving 
Dyscalculia exhibits slow or incorrect recall of basic arithmetic facts. Students with dyscalculia have difficulty mentally representing mathematical concepts.

Visual techniques are used in this type of disability, such as drawing pictures that express a mathematical issue, teaching students how to use colored pencils to distinguish between the parts of these problems, as well as using music to help students remember mathematical concepts and practice using a computer.

Performance malfunction
There are many reasons why children poorly perform in schools, such as medical problems, intelligence, below average, learning disorder, ADHD, emotional problems, psychiatric disorders, environmental causes and even poor socio-cultural home environments.

Performance in this type depends on providing a calm environment for the child, to help him overcome his sensitivity to noise. 
The teacher provides the student with a quiet place to perform the tests, silent reading, and other tasks that may require a high concentration, in addition to alerting the students who are sensitive to the sounds about some things such as fire drills and others before they happen.

How to support people with learning disabilities
People with learning difficulties can be helped by following these tips:
  • Listen to the child with learning difficulty and try to understand it.
  • Follow the lead of the person with whom you are communicating.
  • Avoid talking about the problem. Some people with learning disabilities prefer not to discuss their disabilities, as this may make them feel embarrassed.
  • Always use accessible language and avoid jargon or long words that may be difficult to understand.
  • Provide assistance in the appropriate manner if a child needs help.
  • Learn more about the type of problem and the difficulties experienced by the child.
  • Be prepared to use various communication tools and techniques.
  • Remember that your influences overburden all others.
  • Go to their pace, check that you have understood and be creative.
  • The teacher and parents should know the skill levels of the children with learning disabilities, and request things from him possess a level slightly higher than the level of his skills, to ensure that the child has a challenge and avoid frustration.
I hope you liked this article about learning disabilities (LD). 
Read more: 
1. Relationship Between ADHD and Learning Disabilities
2. What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: How to Cope with ADHD
3. Autism -Spectrum Disorder (ASD): Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options
4. Focused Attention and Mental Meditation in Psychology: Common Attention Issues and Disorders

The Scientific World

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