Tips to Improve Your Lung Health After You Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking is one of the smartest things to do to improve overall health. Our lungs begin to heal as soon as we stop smoking. Let’s take a look at some of the ways that can help improve your lung health after you quit smoking.

Lung Health After You Quit Smoking

Learn How to Improve Your Lung Health After Quitting Smoking

It is common knowledge that smoking is poisonous for our health. Among many other diseases, it causes lung cancer, emphysema, and infections in the air sacs. Smoking can also affect normal brain functioning and weaken heart health. However, after years of research on smoking and its damaging consequences for health, many people now consider it to be a bad habit as well. Even full-time smokers are deciding to quit in record numbers every year. 

Just like quitting any other bad habit, it can be challenging at first. But once you power through the withdrawal pangs, you’ll be able to lead a healthier life. Fortunately, the damage caused by smoking isn’t all irreversible, and with time, you’ll be able to recover certain functions of the body to normal. The lungs, which are arguably the most affected part of the body when one smokes, can also fully recover, granted that certain tips are followed. 

1. Reach out to a Medical Expert

Sometimes, seeking professional help can be the only solution to a problem like substance abuse. Although smoking is a relatively milder dependency when compared to other substance dependencies, nevertheless, recovery has to be preceded by consultations with professionals in addiction treatment. Although elaborate treatment options are prescribed for more extreme substance dependencies at many recovery centers, smoking is an addiction that can be easily overcome without checking yourself into rehab. Although it is relatively easy to quit, the damaging effects of smoking on the lungs have to be countered by making lifestyle changes that are advised by medical health experts. 

2. Breathe in a Clean Environment

The effects of environmental pollution are many on humans and animals. It has a cumulative effect on human health and can cause respiratory system-related diseases such as asthma, allergies, eye and nose irritation, bronchial infections, etc.

The way to cleanse and heal your lungs faster is through breathing in a clean environment. If you’ve decided to quit, you shouldn’t remain in the company of smokers, as second-hand smoke also carries risks for your lungs. 

Make it a habit to walk to the park nearby in the morning and take in the clean, crisp morning air. Fresh air will help you stay motivated and also help with lung recovery. And when you’re at home, open the windows and let the fresh air inside. Avoid the company of smokers as much as you can because staying in their company will only serve to intensify your urges to smoke when you are trying to quit. Also, you may use an air humidifier if the air around your house is polluted.

Read Here: How to Purify Air in Home from Smoke

3. Adopt a Mindful Eating Approach

Your diet has an impact on your overall well-being. Achieving a healthy balanced diet is very important to restore balance and strength to the body. After years of abuse, your lungs are full of the most harmful toxins, which can cause your health damage if not removed from the body. What healthy foods you can eat and drink help the body rid itself of these toxic accumulations. 

Eating healthy foods will make your lungs stronger. Consuming green vegetables and fresh fruits, like oranges, apples, and bananas will help you recover faster. Also, foods high in antioxidants, like spinach, grapes, broccoli, sweet potatoes, cranberries, and blueberries will drastically improve your health. Stay away, as much as you can, from processed meat, dairy items, and junk food.

Read Here: 15 Healthy Eating Hacks Nutritionists Use.

4. Become more Physically Active

Taking up physical activities, like walking, swimming, cycling, running, and jogging will cleanse your respiratory tract as well as the lungs. Your recovery will take less time if you are into physical sports. The more you try to catch your breath and make the lungs work harder while you are exercising, the faster the lungs become at regaining health. 

Deep breathing, as practiced in pranayama yoga, is another great way to recover your lungs’ capacity to perform. As substance abuse and smoking both cause significant lung damage, deep breathing reverses those effects by letting you expand and contract the lung sacs to their limits. 

Regular exercise and yoga provide your body and lungs with ample oxygen supply. Physical activity can help you build back your lung reserves in no time. 

Read Here: How to Stay Motivated to Exercise Regularly: 15 Tips

5.  Meditate

When going through withdrawals, an ex-smoker will experience elevated levels of stress. In such a situation, meditation can help you relax and cope with withdrawals in a calm manner. The benefits of meditation can be experienced by everyone, smoker or not, and just by sitting for half an hour, twice a day, quietly with your thoughts and focusing on breathing, you can calm your nerves and stress. 

Combine meditation with the other tips mentioned here, i.e., sit in a park where you can take deep breaths of fresh air, which will lead to a faster recovery. 

Read Here: How Does Smoking Affect the Nervous System?

The Bottom Line:

Deciding to quit is a healthy choice, but many people fail because they don’t prepare for the withdrawals that come after. Choosing healthier habits can help you prolong your life and avoid smoking-related diseases. When you decide to quit, seek out medical or professional help if needed, follow an exercise and diet plan, meditate, practice deep breathing, and avoid the company of smokers.

Read Also: How to Protect Your Respiratory System and Keep Your Lungs Healthy 

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