The Psychology Behind Addiction: Symptoms, Causes, and Complications of Addictive Disorder

Addiction is a biological, psychological, social, environmental inefficiency and inability to stop the consumption of any chemical, drugs, medication, activity, or substance abuse, even if it is causing physical and psychological problems in the body and mind.
Addictive Disorder
Health complications and consequences of addictive disorder

The Psychology behind Addiction: Symptoms, Causes, and Complications of Addictive Disorder


Addiction is a complex psychological state that is manifested by the use of the compulsive substance despite harmful consequences. 

Addictive behavior may include gambling, gaming, spending, sexual activity, internet, food, and substance use.

Addiction and substance-related disorders are complex and often have significant consequences for the individual.

The addictive disorder is a group of disorders that can cause psychological and physical harm. 

When a person suffers from addictive disorders, they do not understand how they use any substances and cannot control how they stop his critical conditions and take part in any activity, and they become reliant on it to cope with daily life problems. 
It is necessary to get treatment to break the cycle of addiction.

The Definition of Addiction Psychology

In people's mind, addiction is related to gambling, drugs, alcohol, and nicotine. In fact, the word "addiction" does not mention only dependence on substances such as cocaine or heroin.

Addiction is a chronic disease with psychological, biological, environmental and social factors influencing its maintenance and development.
Almost half the risk for addiction is genetic.

Genes generally affect the degree of awards that people experience when they initially use a substance or engage in some behaviors, as well as the body processes alcohol or other medicines.

The intense desire to re-experience the behavior or use of the substance can potentially cause regular and chronic exposure leading to brain changes.
In these circumstances, it is difficult to cure and requires extreme care.

A person, who cannot stop taking a particular chemical or drug, has a dependency on substance abuse.

Some addictions also include the inability to prevent participating in activities such as eating, working, and gambling.

Along with, there may be anything and any other behavior involved in the person. Under these circumstances, a person has a practical and behavioral addiction.
Some practical and behavioral addictions are:

The addicts are so obsessed and afflicted with physical exhaustion.
 A person may be prevented from working if his obligation negatively affects his relationship with his family and social life and if he does not take any holiday.

As computers and mobile phones are becoming increasingly popular, internet and computer addiction have become more widespread.
People spend hours playing the internet or browsing games day and night, ignoring the basic things of their lives.

Volatile substances:
Addiction to volatile substances - like gum, nail polish, oil, and light fuels -occurs when one inhales and he is given a feeling of detoxification from the body.
The addiction to shopping may be fatal.

Shopping becomes addictive when you buy things you do not need or want to get fame from shopping.
After this, there is a straightforward crime, guilt, shame, despair or disappointment.

Addiction vs. Misuse
Drug misuse and drug addiction are different concepts.
 Substances misuse refers to the wrong, non-therapeutic and excessive use of the substances.
However, not everybody who misuses and abuses any substance has an addiction. 

Addiction is the long-term disability of moderate or conflict intake.
For example, a bad man who drinks too much alcohol at night can experience both excitements and the harmful effects of the substance.
But, these types of habits are not eligible as an addiction until the person feels the excessive need to consume this amount of alcohol on a regular basis when the possibility of alcohol consumption will be regular activities, such as in the morning and during the day.

A person who has not yet developed addictive disorders can be kept away from the side effects of substance abuse.
For example, after drinking too much alcohol, vomiting or wakefulness with a hangover can stop some people from drinking.

The problem is that someone with addictive disorders will continue to misuse or abuse the substance despite the harmful effects.

Signs and Symptoms of Addictive Disorder

Drug addiction, or so-called drug abuse disorder, is an addiction to legal or illegal drugs.

Keep in mind that although both alcohol and nicotine are legitimate substances, they also fall under the category of addictive drugs. 

When a person becomes addicted, he loses control over his use of the drug and may continue to use it, ignoring the damage it causes.

Drug addiction can cause an urgent desire to abuse the drug. You may want to stop using it, but most people cannot do it easily.

Drug addiction can cause serious long-term consequences, including physical and mental health problems, relationships with others, and work, along with legal consequences. 

An addict may have to get help from doctors, family, friends, support groups or structured treatment programs to overcome his addiction and stay away from it.

Most cases of drug addiction begin with the experimenter's use of the drug in a social situation.

In some people, drug use becomes more frequent. The risk of falling into addiction and the speed of drug addiction varies according to type.
Some drugs are more dangerous and cause addiction more quickly than other species.

Over time, an addict may need to take larger doses of the drug to become infertile. He may soon need to use the drug just to be satisfied. It may be more difficult to dispense with the drug addict while increasing its use.

Attempts to stop use can give rise to the feelings of immediate desires and physical illness (withdrawal symptoms).
Just like the Subutex withdrawal symptoms. Although Subutex withdrawal symptoms develop more slowly than those caused by other opioids, the duration and intensity of the withdrawal syndrome are determined by the duration and dose of the previous drug consumption.

In some cases, it is difficult to distinguish between normal mood swings in adolescents or their anxiety and signs of drug abuse. 

Some possible indications of drug abuse by your teenager or another family member include Problems with school or work, physical health issues, neglecting personal appearance, behavioral changes and spending a lot of money.

Psychological Causes of Addictive Disorder

There are many reasons for the emergence of addiction. In the case of addiction to drugs, alcohol, and nicotine, these substances affect the way one feels physiologically and mentally.
These feelings are usually pleasant, creating a strong incentive to use them again.

Gambling addiction results in the following psychological thrill of winning which is followed by a strong incentive to try again and to feel again. It can be difficult to stop.

Addiction to something means that if you do not reach it you will see the withdrawal symptoms or the feeling of "collapse".
Since that feeling is undesirable, one prefers to do what he wants, and so this vicious cycle is going on.

Health Complications of Addictive Disorder

The complications of addiction are generally dependent on the type of behavior or substance abuse.
For example, sex addiction greatly increases the risk of sexual behavior, which can lead to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Injecting intravenous (IV) drugs with non-sterilized needles can cause the transmission of HIV, hepatitis C, and other harmful infections.
It is often not a type of complexity that disrupts the daily life of the addictive personality. These factors often support each other and work together to create health risks.

Physical Complications
The long-term addiction affects the body with serious issues and fatal health problems like kidney failure, liver failure, heart disease, lung damage, and more.
Physiology-altering substances and overusing mood can damage the body in a number of ways.

Direct effects of substances: snorting and smelling cocaine through the nose can damage the cartilage of the nose, and taking opiates can cause opiate-induced constipation, a potentially fatal and chronic form of constipation if a person does not take proper treatment.
Regular use of tobacco can lead to smoking methamphetamine, cancer, and a severe form of dental decay which is known as "meth mouth".

Cardiovascular health: Many substances increase blood pressure and heart rate, which impedes pressure on the heart and blood vessels and increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, and death.

Fetal damage: If a woman takes substance when she is pregnant, this can cause death in the fetus or even congenital anomaly.

Injury: Depending on the law, the injury may occur during the administration of a drug. For example, injecting heroin with a needle can cause damage to the skin and muscles at the point of injection.  
Many people take substance abuse or drugs while smoking, which cause lung damage and respiratory diseases.
Addiction can also cause injury. Often, drug use inhibits balance and coordination and can cause falls and injuries.
Some substances increase the likelihood of confrontational or risky behaviors and induce violent reactions in people.

Driving a car or bike while under the influence of alcohol, heroin, cocaine, and other drugs is criminalized in most of the countries and there have been many deaths in this situation on the road.

Overdose: Taking a substance in a large quantity or mixing substances together may lead to an overdose.
While this may also happen with medicines and pharmaceuticals, it is likely to happen in a person who takes a substance for recreational purposes or to change his mood.

Overdose can also lead to coma and death. Every day, 115 people, on average, die in the United States of America because of an overdose of opioid painkillers.

Loss of hygiene and routine: Addiction has become a universal feature of a person's life, and reward systems in the brain can be re-installed to prioritize the behavior or substance at the root of addiction to stress management, nutrition, and hygiene.

Addiction may also mean that a person allocates large amounts of money each month to get this substance, which increases the risk of malnutrition.
In some cases, addiction may lead to displacement or homelessness, which greatly reduces protection and resources and increases exposure to elements.

Psychological Complications
Drugs have a bi-directional relationship with mental health. Mental health problems, such as bipolar, OCD, depression, anxiety and panic attack, may occur ahead of addiction.
However, drug abuse can also lead to symptoms of these conditions as well as make them develop when they were not present before.

Addiction not only weakens a range of bodily functions but also alters the way of a person thinking. The use of drugs changes how some brain circuits work.

Psychoactive substances: Many drugs directly lead to long-term memory problems, hallucinations and other psychological effects that can cause acute mental health issues.
Excessive use of LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), for example, may result in a slipping handle on drug-induced psychosis and reality.

Loneliness: A person with addictive disorders tends to push away people close to him and this reduces a person's support network when he needs it the most. It can further promote drug use and push people into addiction with more serious complications.

Depression: A study conducted in 2014 linked the lifetime use of different substances to increased depression levels.
Anxiety, stress, restlessness, shame, and guilt, may also result from behavioral addiction and long-term substance dependency.

Suicide: A study in 2015 found that six times as many people who abuse opiates regularly try to commit suicide compared to people who are non-opiate users.
The rate of suicide death was two to three times higher in opiate-dependent people.
People use some drugs as a means to attempt suicide, such as cocaine or heroin.
When the effects of drugs combined with underlying or resulting in psychological disorders or physiological difficulties, the results may be fatal and lethal.

Adverse circumstances: Drug addiction can lead to homelessness, financial problems, criminal activity, and imprisonment.
Degraded personal conditions lead to increased levels of stress, anxiety, depression, and other psychological or mental health issues. 

Personal Complications
Addictions can alter relationships to the people closest to the person who is affected. These can accumulate the effects of addiction to the brain and body.

Finances: Not only can you increase the costs of buying items regularly or pursuing behavioral motivations, but addiction can push a person further away from his workplace and financial responsibilities.
This can create difficulties that will increase other health problems that may arise from addiction.

Relationships: Often, enacting the behavior or getting a substance at the root of addiction solves obligations towards other people, dependents and even family.

Crime: Many psychotropic substances are illegal, and even possessions can put someone in prison.
However, people can also resort to crime to finance drug abuse, especially since drug addiction can cause unemployment with the onset of substance or behavior in the replacement of personal responsibilities.

Addiction is a treatable condition. There are several ways to treat it, regardless of the type of addiction you have.
Consult your general practitioner (GP) for advice or contact competent organizations to get help.
Without the advice of doctors, the effort to eliminate additive disorders and tame addiction may cause serious losses in the form of working life and relationships.
In the case of substance abuse (for example, drugs and alcohol), addiction may lead to serious psychological and physical effects.
Some studies suggest that addiction is of genetic origin, but the surrounding factors, such as the presence of addicts around the world, also increase the risk of infection.
Addiction can be a way of avoiding difficult issues.
Unemployment and poverty can promote addiction, stress and emotional and professional pressures.

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