What are the Symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a type of anxiety disorder characterized by excessive thoughts and unreasonable fears that lead to repetitive behaviors.
Here we will discuss the most common symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Let's read it carefully!
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
What are the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)?

What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a type of anxiety disorder characterized by frequent, undesirable, intrusive, suspicious thoughts and fears (obsessions) or impulses, and intense incentives to do compulsive behaviors in an attempt to reduce the anxiety caused by the obsessive behaviors.

Obsessive-compulsive behaviors cause great distress and affect school performance in children and relationships.
One of the OCD conditions is that there are some people who just systematize things or misuse them as a way of describing those people. But if you have an actual condition that is an obsessive-compulsive disorder, then you might assume that your obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors are irrational but still, you feel unable to oppose them and break free. 

OCD does not usually happen suddenly, the OCD causes the brain to stumble over a particular thought or insistence. 
For example, you can check the stove 20 times to make sure it is actually closed, or wash your hands until they are raw. 

While you do not get any sense of bliss from doing these repetitive behaviors, they can provide some relief for some of the problems caused by obsessive thoughts. 
You can try to avoid situations that trigger or spoil your symptoms or self-medication with alcohol or drugs. 
But it seems that there is nothing to avoid your passion and compulsion, you can do a lot of things to help yourself and control your thoughts and actions.

Symptoms can be triggered by personal distress, abuse, or something negative that affects you like the death of a loved one. 
The obsessive-compulsive disorder usually begins during adolescence or young adulthood; Young children sometimes have symptoms that look like OCD. 
It is more likely that if your family members have OCD or other mental health disorders such as depression or anxiety.  
However, the symptoms of other disorders such as ADHD, Tourette's syndrome and autism can also look like an obsessive-compulsive disorder, so before any diagnosis, a complete medical and a psychological examination is necessary.

Symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Common obsessive views in OCD include:
  • High focus on moral thoughts, and superstitions
  • Feeling lucky or unlucky and paying too much attention
  • Fear of losing something or not getting objects you want
  • Fear of not doing control and harming others
  • Fear of contamination with microbes or dirt and germs
  • Infiltrating sexually explicit or violent thoughts and images
  • The idea that everything must be in the right symmetry and correct order
Common compulsive behaviors in OCD are:
  • Spending lots of time cleaning or washing
  • Collecting old newspapers or empty food containers such as "junk"
  • Tapping, counting, or repeating some particular words, or doing other stupid things to reduce anxiety
  • Organizing or ordering things "just so"
  • Checking the loved ones, again and again, to ensure that they are safe
  • Extra double-checking of things like locks, switches, and tools

Symptoms of OCD in children

Obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms usually appear gradually, but most children can hide their symptoms initially.

Children are often obsessed with worries and fears of being harmed, such as catching a fatal disease or injury to them or others, and feel compelled to do something to balance or to neutralize their concerns and fears. For example, they may do the following things repeatedly:
  • Excessive washing of hands, resulting in roughness and cracking
  • Making several corrections to the homework
  • Verifying that they turned off the alarm or locked the door
  • Chewing food a certain number of times
  • Avoiding touching certain things
  • Counting different things (like steps)
  • Sitting and getting up from the chair repeatedly
  • Constantly cleaning and arranging certain things
  • Making frequent requests for reassurance, sometimes for dozens or even hundreds of times a day
There is a logical link between some obsessions and compulsive behaviors. For example, children who have a craze for not having diseases may wash their hands very frequently, but there is no complete connection between each other. For example, children may count to the number 50 repeatedly.
Again, to prevent the grandmother from experiencing a heart attack. If they resist compulsive situations or are prevented from carrying them out, they become overly anxious and involved in them.

Most children realize to some extent that their obsessive and compulsive behaviors are abnormal and feel embarrassed about them often and try not to show them, but some children strongly believe that these obsessions and compulsions are true.

The obsessive-compulsive disorder begins in the average at about 19-20 years of age, but approximately 25% of cases begin before 14 years of age. This disorder often subsides after children reach adulthood.

The obsessive-compulsive disorder disappears after a few years after about 5% of children and at the beginning of puberty at about 40%, and for other children, this disorder tends to be chronic, but with continued treatment, most children can perform normally. About 5% of children do not respond to treatment and remain very vulnerable.

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