Role of Virtual Reality in the Education System: How Technology Forms the Learning Space

Virtual reality technology creates a great experience that enables students to learn better. 
VR technology has the potential to increase collaboration between students and teachers in both classroom-based learning and distance learning. 
Research indicates that immersing students in virtual worlds helps students learn effectively. 
Such learning activities are the opposite of work and students enjoy a learning process that enhances their motivation, improves collaboration and builds knowledge.
\Virtual reality technology
Role of Virtual reality in the education system

Role of Virtual Reality in the Education System: How Technology Forms the Learning Space

In this era when technology has become an integral part of our lives, the evolution of applications and technologies is accelerating, and access to information is facilitated by intelligent devices such as iPods, iPads, and others.

Our worlds are transformed into a virtual world in which the individual lives, travels, moves, learns and studies.

Virtual reality technologies have come in various ways as technologies that can be harnessed to serve the science learners and even teachers.

Virtual Reality is one of the most recently achieved techniques. In fact, it is a means of transferring the learning environment to a new and advanced level.

Virtual reality technology can range from simple environments presented on a computer to multisensory environments immersed in expertise through caps, clothes and special technological devices.

What is Virtual Reality?

Virtual reality refers to a computer representation that creates a perception of the world that shows our senses similar to the real world. Through virtual reality, information and experiences can be conveyed to the mind in an attractive and more interactive way.

Virtual reality can be defined as a means of interactive computer simulations that the user feels about place and action. These processes are supported by industrial feedback of one or more senses. The user feels integrated into the scene. 

Virtual reality modeling is the language through which 3D computer graphics are converted into virtual environments that can be viewed through multiple browsers.

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Key Elements of the VR Experiment

VR elements consist of the following:

Element 1: Virtual world
It is the content of a particular medium, which may be present in the real world or exist only in creative imagination and can be designed in a way that others participate in it.

Element 2: Indulgences
One of the most important elements for the success of the virtual reality experience is to indulge or dive into an alternate reality or at a certain point of view.
This element emphasizes the possibility of perceiving something in addition to the world in which a person lives at a particular moment in two ways: either he or she perceives an alternative world knowing that he is living a different reality or perceives his world in those moments from another perspective that is different from his own.

Element 3: Sensory observations (sensory response)
Where the experience of virtual reality is a means through which we can experience the reality imagined by many of our physical senses (sight, hearing, touch) does not require the use of our imagination.

Element 4: Interaction
In order for virtual reality to appear real, it must respond to user movements, that is, it must interact with it and thus with the user himself.
There is no doubt that the presence of a computer within this system makes it necessary to achieve the desired interaction, and thus the user is also interacting with objects, characters and places in the imaginary virtual world.

Major Types of Virtual Reality

Fully immersive virtual reality:
In which the user is imagined to actually exist in the environment of the virtual world without feeling the existence of the computer system or even the real world around him, and sees the user in this case only the virtual world, which is watching and moving in and the total sense of everything that goes on.

Non-immersive virtual reality:
A non-immersive VR provides users with a computer-generated environment without feeling immersed in the virtual world.
This system is used in simulators, and in this case, the user simulates certain properties within the real reality such as the effect of gravity or particle properties, for example, or the effect of high speed on objects.

Default Virtual Reality:
In this case, normal screens are used to see the virtual world, limiting the sense of virtual presence in the virtual world

Virtual Reality in Science Education
Virtual reality has many benefits for the learner as it enables the technology to take a virtual tour from one place to another and the main strength of this method is that it allows users to see this place through 360 degrees and explore its elements in their three dimensions in a way that allows interacting with the scene through hot spots and this is different from just participating in Displays the information on the computer screen.

It is also believed that virtual reality technology has the potential to develop student-centered self-learning by exploring a world more realistic and more interactive.

The learner is able to move and navigate within the scene, which helps him to develop his ability to conceive, understand and understand the complex scientific data, which does not give the study of the dimensions of bilateral understanding required, especially in scientific materials.

4 Inventive Examples of Virtual Reality in Education
Below are some promising uses of virtual reality and other immersive technologies that are already taking place in the classroom.

Bringing Science to Life
We can design models for some doctors who use VR to assist in surgeries and disease detection by generating 3D models from real patient tumors through MRI.

Science teachers say VR can help deepen understanding of topics such as biology and anatomy, which require students to understand the internal functions of organs and cells that are not visible to the human eye.

Experience College Life from Home
Companies like Campus Tours and YouVisit now offer virtual reality tours to hundreds of universities through 360-degree technology.  
This technology helps enhance the "sense of familiarity and affiliation of students who cannot take this trip.

Students who take this virtual tour can "walk" around the campus and "see" themselves among other college students, and they can also go to classes or university housing. 

Immersive experiences are the best way to provide such opportunities, especially for students who cannot travel and take a tour of the campus.

Building empathy
Virtual reality has earned the nickname "Sympathy Machine". This feature enables VR technology to give students the ability to see through other eyes.  
Through software virtualization, students are able to walk the streets with a teenager and his companions, integrate immersive moments into their daily lives, and gain an understanding of other cultures and perspectives along the way.

Working to Revive Technical Education
Now, technical and vocational educational institutions use new virtual reality technologies to train students on how to repair cars and allow them to complete safety training in a 3D environment.
This feature is also used to teach aircraft engineering and building maintenance skills

How to Take Advantage of Virtual Reality Technology

This can be done through:

First: Direct search in search engines or app stores for Android and iOS for VR content in Arabic, English or other...

Second: Download the cardboard application designed for virtual reality glasses, through this application, can see the content of the mobile phone in a three-dimensional way.

Examples and applications of virtual reality in education:

1. Solar System:
The teacher explains the components of the solar system to his students using virtual reality and 360-degree solar system VR Android

2. Anatomy of the human body using virtual reality:
Human Body VR 3D is a great tool for biology and science teacher. It provides accurate anatomy of the skeletal, musculoskeletal, and digestive system with an explanation for each member. It supports several languages, including Arabic.

3. Tour in the capitals of the world:
Google Street View app offers a 360-degree view of cities and streets to give the user a virtual reality of what already exists, which enables geography or history teachers to use the service to take students on a virtual tour of the world and explore civilizations and cultures.

The Scientific World

The Scientific World is a Scientific and Technical Information Network that provides readers with informative & educational blogs and articles. Site Admin: Mahtab Alam Quddusi - Blogger, writer and digital publisher.

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