Why is Environmental Sustainability Important for development?

Sustainable development is the regulatory and organizing principle for achieving human development goals, while at the same time maintaining the capability of natural systems to provide ecosystem services and natural resources on which the society and economy depend.
Environmental sustainability
Importance of environmental sustainability for development

Why is Environmental Sustainability Important for development?

What is Sustainable Development?

Sustainable development is a term used over the last two decades to identify the needs to reduce poverty through economic growth that preserves the health of the ecosystem as well as the conservation of long-term stocks of natural resources.

Current differences revolve around how to balance human needs with environmental protection.

Concept of sustainable development

Development in its origin is the product of man's work to transform innate elements in the environment (structures and geological structures ...) into wealth, that is to goods and services corresponding to the needs of man.
This conversion depends on the human effort and the scientific knowledge that he uses and the technical tools he uses.

 Development is a change in the environment that threatens its innate balance, and reaches the degree of harm if the ability of environmental instinct exceeds the probability and its ability to restore balance and heal fractures.

Hence, the importance of sustainable development as a new concept, and the desire of some authors to make the concept of sustainable development more narrowly defined, focusing on the material aspects of sustainable development. Sustainable development is defined by a number of definitions, including:

1. "Development that meets current requirements taking into account the possibility of future generations to meet their requirements." 

2."It is the development that provides the present generation with its basic and legitimate requirements, without compromising the ability of the natural environment to prepare the next generation for their needs", in other words, "the development response to the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

3. "Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

Economic definition of sustainable development

Some economic definitions of sustainable development focus on the optimal management of natural resources, focusing on "maximizing the benefits of economic development provided that natural resource services and quality are maintained". 

Other definitions were based on the broad notion that "today's resource use should not reduce real income in the future."

The concept behind this is that current decisions should not harm or improve the prospects for maintaining future standards of living, which means that our economic systems should be managed so that we can live on the profits of our resources and maintain and improve the material asset base.

Definition by the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD)
In its report entitled "Our Common Future", the Commission concluded that "there is a need for a new path of development, a path that sustains human progress not only in a few places or for a few years, but for the entire planet and into the distant future."

Sustainable development, as defined by the Commission in 1987, seeks to "meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs".

The basic objective of sustainable development is to meet human needs and achieve long-term social welfare while maintaining the human and natural resource base and trying to reduce environmental degradation. In order to achieve this, a dynamic balance must be struck between economic and social development, on the one hand, resource management and environmental protection on the other hand. 

Key variables affecting sustainable development

The status of technology in the definition of sustainable development:
Some authors have also elaborated on the definition of sustainable development to include the rapid transformation of the technological base of industrial civilization and noted that new technology is needed that is cleaner, efficient and able to save natural resources, so as to reduce pollution, help stabilize the climate and absorb growth, in the population and in economic activity.

Human status within the definitions of sustainable development:
Human rights are at the center of the definitions of sustainable development, with human development leading to improved health care, education and social welfare.

The place of justice in the definition of sustainable development:
The important element referred to by various definitions of sustainable development is equity or justice.

There are two kinds of equity: the fairness of the unborn generation of human beings, whose interests are not taken into account in the development of economic analysis and the savage market forces do not take account of these interests.

The second equity concerns those living today who do not have equal access to natural resources or social and economic "goods".

Since the middle of the 1970s, the world has been under the absolute domination of global financial capital, which perpetuates a striking disparity between the countries of the South and the North, and perpetuates this disparity within the same countries.

Sustainable development must, therefore, take into account these two types of equity.
But the realization of these two kinds of equity will not be achieved under the absolute domination of global financial capital, but it is achieved under the pressure of the forces of popular labor international can restore the balance of global social relations.

The relationship of sustainable development to the environment.
Since ancient times, man has always worked on exploiting the natural resources of his daily life and building his progress and civilization.
However, his exploitation of these resources is done in random and wrong ways, which has led to damage to the environment and imbalance.
On this basis, the promotion of the environment not only by eliminating sources of pollution but by working to develop resources and improve the use of these resources.
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