development is based on the four pillars of sustainability: social, economic,
technological environmental sustainability.
sustainable development is a collection of tools and procedures for testing,
developing and debugging a program or application.
sustainable development reduces poverty, global warming, acid rain, pollution,
urban sprawl, waste disposal, climate change and many more, through financial,
environmental, and social and technical means.
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Relationship between Environment and sustainable Economic development |
The Relationship between Environment and Sustainable Development: Theoretical Approaches to Environmental Issues
Environment And Development
can easily observe the close relationship between development and the
first is based on environmental resources. Development cannot be done without
environmental resources.
the disruption of resources in terms of corruption will have negative
repercussions on the development process and the violation of its objectives.
As development cannot be based on transboundary
environmental resources. The damage to the environment and its resources is
detrimental to human needs.
Development should be the basis for consideration of
the environment, the development and environment should be considered
as such.
Behold, the twin objectives of development is not
achieved without the introduction of sound environmental policies.
The conflict between the environment and development
that emerged in the early sixties of the twentieth century contributed in one
way or another to delay the attention to the environment and to recognize the
importance of the environment in development.
Because the claim to protect the environment in
response to the environmental disasters witnessed by the world as a result of
industrial and technological activities and thus emerged this claim stands in opposition to scientific and technological progress.
The emergence of movements calling for the protection
of the environment in the early 1960s as a reaction to industrial
degradation is a concern for the environment from the harmful dangers that
were not new to man because of the deterioration dealing with its resources.
The old concern goes back to the times when man
moved the life of agriculture and the emergence of many customs and traditions
in agricultural communities, which aim to organize the process of harvesting
crops, and even the quality of cattle slaughtered and other customs and
traditions, which still exist.
The early protection of the environment and its
resources is very important. This is why some countries have appointed
inspectors to ensure that agricultural land does not deteriorate as a result of
misuse. Moving towards environmental sustainability in livestock is vital to provide animals with outdoor access, shade, shelter, lighting, and sufficient space.
As for the environmental damage caused by the snow,
some research has indicated that the Greek philosopher Plato wrote a law
that could be considered the principle of fining the polluter. Britain issued the first law to reduce the emission of
smoke and waste disposal in 1273.
The relationship between man and the environment is an
innate and eternal relationship as long as the environment is the framework
from which man obtains the elements of his life as it is a result of meeting
these needs of environmental resources and systems.
This relationship has grown and escalated in meeting
the needs of the different human ages, in which the human is reviewed
spontaneously and instinctively, but there is a random deal and other damage
suffered by the environment in later years, the era of the industrial
revolution that began with the invention steam machine in the year 1763.
The emergence
of many environmental disasters was the first disaster and then recorded in
1948 in America.
A number of factories for steel, sulfuric acid, and
zinc production resulted in the deaths of twenty people and several diseases in
addition to the occurrence of other environmental disasters in London and other
industrialized countries but the most famous disaster in London was in 1952 due to
pollution of the atmosphere smog.
This led to the deaths of four thousand people because
of the concentration of sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere.
These disasters have led to the promotion of
environmental awareness and problems. The leakage of pesticide residues in the
human food chain along with the negative effects of technology has led to environmental
The need and the literature warn of the dangers of
environmental pollution to the environment and organisms and are accompanied by the
emergence of movements that claim environmental protection
Here emerged the development and environment
because the development had won victories from the industrial revolution
without considering the environment and resources, it was behind their
rejection of the demands that Environmentalists have been calling for,
particularly with respect to pollution and environmental impact
Industrialists and developmentists considered
pollution control and industrial facilities to be a costly issue.
More expensive and more difficult than the preparation
of appropriate controls at the foundation and the time necessary to control the
harmful emissions, such as chemical elements resulting from the combustion of
fuel in the facilities or in the manufacturing process seems always very short
and takes a long time to show the addition of the results, but the methods used to
address some wastes may have a detrimental effect on the economy and monetary
Developmentists believe that there is no clear and
precise way to measure the economic value of the benefits of finding clean
air or a cleaner lake or its value due to the social costs of public health or
environmental pressures. Therefore, they are unable to provide overall
To control pollution in other profitable enterprises
and the pollution problem is difficult to overcome in a full economy.
Developing countries need to take advantage of the
amounts they will pay to protect or even control pollution in order to solve
other economic or social problems of priority interest.
As a result, the conflict between the environment and
development continued, ie, the depletion and damage to the environment for
development. This is the difference between the supporters of the environment
and the development.
The results and disasters continued with the emergence
of disasters and more serious problems. This led the United Nations to convene
the Human Development Conference in 1972.
Stockholm, Switzerland, which produced the Declaration
on the Establishment of the United Nations Environment Program until a group of
United Nations experts in the late seventies of the last century to decide our
common future, which came out in the concept of sustainable development is to
meet the needs of the present without prejudice to the needs of the in the
coming year.
The Portland Declaration of Our Common Destiny was a
session in ending the environmental and development dispute.
On this basis, issues and considerations were moved to
a wider horizon, becoming an important part of economic and developmental
policies and philosophies.
In 1983, the United Nations set up a World Commission
on Environment and Development under the chairmanship of Norway's Prime
Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland and a group of experts to study the problems of
the environment and development on the planet and to formulate proposals to
solve them.
Without harming through the formulation of a global
program for change and the proposal of long-term strategies, the outcome of
the work of this committee to issue a book Our Common Future, which brought a
new concept of development the concept of sustainable development is the
development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their needs.
The concept of sustainable development has led to the
emergence of a new development philosophy that takes into account the limited
natural environmental resources and the limits of the Earth's ability to
withstand exhaustion stress on the one hand and pollution and degradation on
the other.
Read more: What is sustainable
Dialectic Environment and Sustainable Development
The issue of environmental pollution is not the result
of today, but it is an old one. The reasons are mainly due to the excesses of
the developed world, especially in the consumption of various natural
resources, whether renewable or non-renewable.
The expansion of production of fossil energy sources,
the exploitation of agricultural land and the logging of forests Cause increased pollution of air, water, and soil.
The problem of pollution of the environment is of an
international nature.
Pollutants of a country do not stop at their political
borders but across thousands of miles to affect the environment and well-being
of other peoples.
The impact of this pollution extends beyond that; the
negative impact of this pollution is due to the coming generations, who will
find themselves in a real dilemma and do not know how to get out of it.
Therefore, it was incumbent on this generation to pay
attention to this issue and try to understand its complexity to solve the issue
and preserve the environment, for both present and future generations.
The importance of studying the relationship between
environment and development is due to the evidence of the economic indicators
that are lacking in the achievement of sustainable development in the countries
of the world.
The absence of such indicators balances the
environmental data on the natural resource.
So it was necessary to take into account both the
environment and the development dimension in the formulation of economic
development policies in the State.
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has
defined the environment as "the set of natural and social resources
available at a given time to satisfy humanitarian needs. Or “it is the
framework in which man lives with other organisms, including the physical,
chemical, biological, social, cultural, economic and political, and get the
elements of his life."
Development, in its general sense, is primarily
aimed at satisfying the needs and aspirations of humankind.
There are two levels on which development can be
considered a goal.
The first is the eradication of poverty.
The second is to achieve a quality of life that is
higher than living in conditions that respond to human rights in life.
Development is one way to elevate human beings,
but what is happening is quite the opposite.
Development has become one of the means that has
contributed to the depletion, damage and even pollution of the resources of the
Such development can be described as a development
that benefits the economy more than the environment or man.
It is "economic development" rather than
"environmental development" that benefits from the resources of the
environment and harnesses it to serve the economy, which has led to the
emergence of many problems.
If life goes naturally without intensive human
intervention to exploit its resources in order to increase its productivity, to
facilitate the way of life and to increase levels of well-being, the risks
associated with these problems have decreased.
The environment has been able to absorb the effects of its deterioration and pollution that accompany many economic projects.
The environment has been able to absorb the effects of its deterioration and pollution that accompany many economic projects.
Population with minimal goods and services alongside the steady population increase, this leads to higher levels of waste accumulation (solid, liquid, gaseous) than the environment or biosphere can absorb directly.
For example, the impact of burning fossil fuels into the air with harmful emissions, as well as the misallocation and direct use of resources that lead to environmental degradation by depleting some resources and depleting others, reducing land productivity, increasing desertification at the expense of fertile soil and negatively affecting wildlife as well as the degradation of the general resources of the population on the Earth's surface.
In other words, the relationship between environment
and development is strong and not limited to production and consumption, but
takes another dimension: redistribution of income, often from the poor to the
rich, because the latter are the initiators of development projects that
pollute the environment.
This does not mean that the poor do not pollute the environment, Slums are always a source of pollution and even a focal point of focus.
This does not mean that the poor do not pollute the environment, Slums are always a source of pollution and even a focal point of focus.
In developing countries, poor people do not make good
use of the resources available to them, such as the soil they are spoiling by
pursuing agricultural policies with unscheduled agricultural cycles, the
forests they are going to cut, and the grazing land they patronize in an unfair
The Stockholm Conference, held in 1972,
emphasized the need to link the environment with development. The 1992 Rio de
Janeiro Conference recommended that land should be considered as a natural
resource that achieves development within the framework of environmental
objectives and conservation.
The Meaning of Sustainable Development:
In 1987, the important report of the World
Commission on Environment and Development was issued, entitled "Our Common
The various chapters focused on the idea of
sustainable development and the role of the international community in
achieving this development, protecting the environment on the one hand and
preserving future generations on the other.
The report defined sustainable development as:
"Development that responds to the needs of the present
without sacrificing the possibility of satisfying the needs of future
generations in the future".
At present, the essential needs of the population in
developing countries have not yet been satisfied. Above all, these people
aspire - and this is their right - to improve their quality of life. In a world
dominated by poverty and injustice, this means the creation of ecological and
non-ecological crises.
Sustainable development means satisfying the
needs of all, as well as satisfying their aspirations for a better and better
quality of life. Opinions differed about the relationship between
environment and development:
Preventers: Those
who believe that no amount of pollution or degradation of the environment
should be sacrificed for development, but that the environment must be
preserved as it is and that the responsibility of any generation to deliver it
to future generations without change or modification adversely affects them.
Conservatives: emphasize
the need to preserve the environment, although it must be used for development
must be done in a selective manner, and emerged from this group what is known
as the Greens, who merge their vision between the conservatives and
Economists: Those
who believe that pollution cannot be prevented completely, since after a
certain stage, the costs of removing more pollution will exceed its revenues.
Exploiters: They
see the need to continue development processes without reservation because the environment is able to absorb pollution and correct the deterioration
automatically, and if it fails, modern technology can deal with it and 'modern
technology' can use new resources for the new population, and generations that
preceded them, so they see no reason to stop development processes, or even
reduce them, in order to preserve and protect the environment.
After reviewing the various views on the relationship
between environment and development, we tend to the view of conservatives and
conservationists to preserve the environment and protect it from pollution
because it is our responsibility to deliver it to future generations without
change or modification adversely affecting them.
The relationship between environment and development
is a close one: the environment is the framework in which man lives and
receives from him the elements of his life and the satisfaction of his needs. This satisfaction of needs is achieved through the exploitation of environmental resources within the framework of the so-called
development process. More
comprehensive and inclusive of the meaning of economic growth, which is the
result of development efforts.
As a permanent human being seeks to satisfy his needs
by raising the rates of economic growth in various economic and social
activities, human beings have caused a disturbance of the environmental
balance, which has been manifested in environmental pollution, desertification,
climate change, loss of biological diversity, etc.
To meet the needs of the present without
compromising the ability and capacity of the environment to meet the needs of
the future, it is necessary to integrate environmental considerations into the
heart of development-oriented efforts, resulting in a new concept of
development and economic growth, Sustainable development ".
Read more:
environmental exposures
environmental pollution
environmental protection
sustainable development
sustainable economic growth