7 Reasons Why a Media Distribution Service is Important

Everything that is relevant to the field of digital marketing today, is part of digital media distribution. So now, let's get into the reasons why a media distribution service is so important.

Media Distribution Service, press release
Digital content distribution services

7 Reasons Why a Media Distribution Service is Important

Digital content distribution is a specific digital marketing strategy designed to share, publish, and promote a company's content across different platforms.

Media distribution entails in it a wide variety of services and tools that allow for itself to function and perform as the newer version of marketing. From the olden days of taking an advert out in the local paper, we have now progressed on to a stage where you can rest easy, knowing your entire campaign or advert will be dealt by the professionals, and the space that you’re targeting is none other than the treasure trove itself: the internet. So, while at this stage, you might not be very well-versed with what media distribution is, and how it’s a great tool for businesses across the spectrum; be it Walmart or your local souvenir store, both of them and all in-between the two can benefit from getting a media distribution service behind them. 

Now, before we get into the virtues of media distribution or digital marketing services with regards to businesses everywhere, we first need to explain what exactly is a media distribution service; and one of its major components, press release marketing, can be a cost-efficient way of getting your message across the board and over to the customer, without obviously, breaking the bank. 

Media distribution services: a rundown

A media distribution service is basically a really fancy way of saying advertising agency. You can call it a ‘media distribution service’, but at the end of the day, its functions are similar to that of a digital marketing agency. Just look at the title: media distribution service. What it means is, it is a service that will essentially run your media distribution campaign, a way of saying it’ll run your adverts for you. 

Now, this is called media because there isn’t necessarily a picture of a woman holding up a banner saying ‘Buy this!’. Media distribution goes beyond that. It could be a press release of yours with a message, it could be a video campaign that you’ve crafted specifically to be played on Instagram. In short, everything that is relevant in today’s realm of digital marketing, it is a part of digital media distribution, which in turn, is a part of the greater ambit of media distribution.

Media Distribution infographic

So now, let's get into the reasons why a media distribution service is so imperative, regardless of the kind of business you might be in.

  1. Easy to get into

So first up. The main reason why media distribution services are becoming so much indispensable nowadays is because of the fact that they are pretty easy to get into, pretty easy to get your head around them. This is because of the simple fact that if you don’t understand something, you tend to not go around it too much. Advertising in the olden days looked something like that; graphs, charts, people saying terms that flew right over your head, you know, the whole deal. This was why whenever a campaign ran, it was dealt with by people proficient with marketing.

Nowadays, especially with the advent of digital marketing and the internet, things have changed quite some bit. For one, nearly everybody who knows anything about the internet knows that its made a lot of things easier; marketing being one of them. It's gotten to the point where if you are a small business owner, you don’t need a degree in social media marketing or need to do digital media distribution courses to understand what the other person is saying; it's pretty simple. Which makes it a better option. 

Getting a digital media distribution service onboard will help you focus on more important things, like running your business. In the meanwhile, the service will work out what your business needs, how much it needs, and when it needs that. And it will get back to you on that.

Finally, press releases are a great way to spread the news around, as they are pretty cost-efficient. All you have to do is write one, and the media distribution service will work on distributing it. Bear in mind that some services will also write the thing for you, so, go for the best.

  1.  Directs physical, web traffic

Getting a digital media distribution service will allow you to increase your leads, in the most banal sense of the word leads. What we mean by that, is that you need to think of your press release as a virtual billboard at the end of the freeway and at the start of the town; it will direct business towards your establishment. 

How so? Well, let's start with the press release first. Your press release, when published by a digital media distribution service, will be displayed on major publications on the internet, on websites, and other archiving services. So, once your press release is out there, it’ll accumulate views, clicks, and impressions from the denizens of the internet, or as we like to call them, netizens. Now these people, when they interact with your press release, they’re going to visit your website. Even if you don’t have one, they will copy your address from the press release, and visit your store or location physically.

This is obviously being described at a basic level, but this is how it works out, right? There are a few things you need to know about it. First up, once the press release is out in the open, and websites start publishing it, and search engines start indexing and ranking it, now is the time to sit back and watch the sales conversion fall in. 

Now you understand why we compared it to a virtual billboard. 

  1. More traffic, more sales

Once you’ve got the press release going and it's been published, we already told you to sit back and relax, because now is the time for the results to pour in, and the moment of truth. If you’ve got a digital media distribution service that performs the bare minimum, well, you’re going to generate a bare minimum amount of business leads from it. Au contraire, if the media distribution service really does go all out, it will be reflected in the sales lead your press release will generate.

The second but most important point here is that of websites. If you haven’t got one, look into getting one immediately, because Bezos didn’t become a multibillionaire for nothing. He did it by exploiting our love for laziness and shopping, and if you can do that too, it’d be swell. 

Now, generating sales with website traffic is easy, as it seems like a sweeter deal for customers rather than them getting out and seeing the stuff itself for sale or buying it out in the open. Which makes the prospect of digital marketing and media distribution even more lucrative. 

Lastly, having a website also helps because you are then free to pursue clients with other internet-based options. For instance, you cannot physically track down a customer who was in your store just yesterday, but you can opt for follow-up emails after a person does business via your website, and that is exactly what digital media distribution makes easy.

  1. Reap the SEO benefits

Digital media distribution entails in it the modern practices of SEO, which is search engine optimization. Now, you might ask, why is it beneficial? Well, for starters, the better you are ranked with Google or any other search engine for that matter, the better your online visibility, and the more likely you get that your website appears on the top of the search. This is because people tend to click on the first link they see, and if their business has been done there, nobody goes beyond that.

And this is essentially what SEO does; try to get your website to the first ranks of Google's search pages. And as you can probably guess now, SEO is kind of a big deal within the media distribution realm, because of the benefits it provides to such an important part of our digital lives, which is Google. 

So, for starters, imagine someone searches for a product that you deal in, which you have mentioned extensively in your press release. Your website has also been optimized properly, so Google will show the user your press release, which will lead the person to your website, amounting to a sale. This is exactly why people who use media distribution services almost always look for SEO benefits, as it is the direct connection between Google and your website, and it will help you get to your sales goal much easier. 

  1. Spreads the message around much more effectively

One of the main reasons why many people go for a digital media distribution service is because one of its important tools, press release marketing, is such a lucrative option owing to its cost-effectiveness. Because it relies on modern-day digital marketing practices and ties it off with the marketing strategies of the olden days, it is considered as a more cost-efficient option when it comes to digital marketing. 

So, let's discuss this press release. Because it is, admittedly, one of the best and most cost-efficient ways you can get your message across to the masses. So, let's say, you have a new product out, or your small company is expanding rapidly and you’ve just nicked a highly-reputed CFO. You could get an advert out in the paper, or, you could go for the press release option. It costs less, promises twice or even thrice the result (views and exposure) of the paper and most of all is a targeted venture. With newspapers, you’re essentially getting this advert out to everybody, even those who don’t know the first thing about your company.

Whereas with a press release, you get targeted market penetration. If you’re looking for industry executives and officials to read this news only, press release marketing (complemented by digital media distribution) can arrange for that. This way, relative to views and clicks achieved, you can get more of what is called ‘successful sales’ and industry-based referrals and connections. 

  1. Helps you get digital media connections

Probably a big part of why people are fast turning towards digital media distribution services. With them on board, you basically have access to a lot of professionals within this industry; be it digital media distribution, or conventional media houses. By doing business with them, you make a lot of valuable connections that can help you out anytime during your journey with a digital media distributor. 

Secondly, it also works to your company, your business’ advantage. By getting into a digital media distribution service that specializes in your business or niche, you can look for yourself what the competitors are doing; which services they’re using, which press releases and tools they utilize, which will help you make a more informed decision the next time you’re looking for a press release distribution campaign for your own product. 

Lastly, conventional media is still relevant, as it helps your press release gain traction from outside sources. For instance, personnel within a digital media distribution service may know editors and/ or journalists from reputed media houses, which operate their own high-traffic websites. One referral from there could mean serious business because Google knows that their sites are trustworthy. So, look into that as well.

  1. They can help you with releases

Not everybody who knows how to write can write a press release; it comes within the ambit of technical writing and/or legal writing. As such, we can’t expect you, a business owner, to know all the ins and outs and the nifty little details of how to write a press release. This is again where digital media distribution companies come in. Most of these companies have a service that helps you write a press release, or will even ghost-write it for you. Since they know all the intricate little details about how to write a press release, and they know the techniques with an insider’s vantage point, they can actually help you write a better-performing press release than a better sounding. The difference is there, but we’ll discuss it some other day. As for services that help you pen your press release, not everybody does that, so do take this with a grain of salt.

The Scientific World

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