5 Types of Air Purifiers: How to Choose the Best Air Purifier

Air purifiers refresh stale air and eliminate several types of indoor air pollutants. It has become an urgent necessity for every home to have an air purifier, as we now live in a changing climate. Let's have a look at the 5 types of air purifiers and learn how to choose the best air purifier.

5 Best Air Purifiers
5 Best Air Purifiers

Air Purifiers - Types, and Their Benefits: Best Air Purifier Buying Guide

What is an Air Purifier?

An air purifier is a device that helps remove particulates and other pollutants from indoor air, and it is made as independent small units or larger units that can be hung on the air conditioner in the room. This device greatly benefits allergy and asthma patients.

There are many negative effects of environmental pollution on human health. The air purifier is also used to remove harmful environmental pollutants and eliminate the effect of passive smoking in the atmosphere, meaning that the need for an air purifier increases if a smoker is present in the house.

Air purifiers contain filters that help clean the surrounding air and then release it. According to test reports; This filter removes approximately 99.9% of dust particles and impurities from the air, including pollen, mold, mites, spores, pet dander, and more.

An air purifier uses a fan to draw air through mechanical particulate filters. In addition to these mechanical filters, some filters use electronic technology, then pass charged particles into the room where they settle on upholstery, floors, and clothing.

Here, you will see the five common types of air purifiers, the benefits of using air purifiers in your home and learn how to choose the best air purifier for optimum performance.

 5 Common Types of Air Purifiers

There are five common types of air purifiers, including:

HEPA Air Purifiers: 

HEPA (high-efficiency particulate absorbing) air purifier uses an advanced air filter to remove at least 99.97% of dust, pollen, mold, bacteria, and any airborne particles larger than 0.2 microns (µm) from the air in your home. 

HEPA air filters are also used in vacuum cleaners and in industries that require high air quality, such as pharmaceuticals, computer chip manufacturing, aerospace and nuclear power.

Activated Carbon Air Purifiers: 

Activated carbon air purifiers are air filters designed to eliminate odors, chemicals, fumes, smokes, and gasses from the air, through a bed of activated carbon (also called activated charcoal).

Activated carbon air purifiers are usually used to combat volatile organic compounds (VOCs), smoke, odors, fumes, and gasses from the air inside your home. But they cannot remove fine particles like dust, mold, or pollen from the air.

A gas-phase air filter is also a gas filtration system that removes gases and odors, but is not used in home air purifiers. Because it does not remove many gases (such as carbon monoxide), and its working life is rather short.

Ionic Air Purifiers: 

Ionic air purifiers emit negative ions into the air, which attach to positively charged and airborne particles like dust, causing these particles to become heavier, and thus fall out of the air.  

Ionizing devices, which produce negative ions, charge particles suspended in the air with a negative charge, then settle on the nearest surface when they come into contact with it, and thus can be wiped and removed.

Some ionic air purifiers contain electrostatic precipitators that trap positively charged particles in a metal plate inside the air purifier.

Ultraviolet Air Purifiers: 

UV filters remove biological pollutants, such as bacteria and mold using ultraviolet light, and should be used with devices that use filters to remove fine particles as well as biological pollutants from the air.

Ultraviolet (UV) air purifiers are usually used in hospitals and health care centers, and have also become available in residential air-conditioning units.

HVAC Air Purifiers: 

If you want to purify the air in your entire home, you can install central heating and cooling systems in your ductwork to remove dust, mold, bacteria and viruses from the air.

Central air cleaners can remove up to 98% of the dust in your home, 99% of the most and pollen in your home, and 94% of the viruses in your home. 

Read Here: How to Purify Air in Home from Smoke

What are the Benefits of Using Air Purifiers?

Quality air purifiers refresh stale air and remove several types of indoor air pollutants, dust, pollen particles, and harmful chemicals from indoor environments. Removing these pollutants can reduce the chances of contracting airborne diseases and lead to many immediate and long-term health benefits.

The air purifier is characterized by its high quality of air purification, small size, quiet operation, ease to use, and moderate price.

The air filtration device also features four stages. The first stage is a pre-filter, the second is an activated carbon filter, the third is a real filter, and the fourth is an ionized filter.

One of the advantages of these stages is that the individual can adjust them and change the indicator to adjust the device according to his needs. It can be set to control energy savings or control airflow velocity.

You can use air purifiers in your home to achieve a range of things:

Help people breathe better. Families usually include smokers, in addition to pets, which leads to the spread of unpleasant and annoying odors in the home.

Remove all pollutants in the air that the vacuum cleaner cannot remove. This device gets rid of all these pollutants and helps people who suffer from asthma, allergies, and any other respiratory problem to feel comfortable.

Remove various odors, dust, smoke, animal dander, and almost all pollutants in the indoor air. If you don't have air purifiers,  your house may become a place for dust and germs to accumulate, and thus various health problems spread in it.

How to Choose the Right Air Purifier: Best Air Purifier Buying Guide

The best air purifier can be found by consulting specialists, in addition to taking into account the selection of a device that has the ability to purify the size of the room in which it will be used.

Among the things to consider when choosing an air purifier:

  • The performance.
  • The noise.
  • The cost.
  • Ease of use.

Air purifier requirements can vary from person to person. There are certain things to know before purchasing an air purifier.

You must choose an air purifier that suits the environment and the surrounding climate: for example, if you live in a desert environment where winds that provoke sandstorms to abound, you must choose a device that is highly effective in purifying the air from dust. The device can purify the air entering the house from any dust that may increase the activity of chest allergies or increase the symptoms of asthma.

The element of space must be taken into account: the equipment must be suitable for the space in which it will be placed so that the equipment can perform effectively. Therefore, it is necessary to see the details of the device and its purification ability before purchasing it.

It is better to buy a device that suits the needs of the family: these devices differ according to the desired goal, so before buying the device, you must know the symptoms that family members suffer from so that you can provide the necessary device to meet their needs.

Read Also: Environmental Pollution and Its Effects: How to Reduce the Effects of Pollution

The Scientific World

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