Let’s Normalize Talking About Infertility: Your Guide to Fertility

Infertility is inferred as the couple's inefficacy to conceive a baby after having regular unprotected intercourse for a year or more. Infertility can greatly increase the amount of stress and anxiety in a relationship. Therefore, we need to normalize talking about infertility. Here, you will know all the details of infertility.

All about Infertility, infertility treatment, fertility guide
Infertility is a global reproductive health problem.

Let’s normalize talking about infertility

                 Why feel like a fish out of water? 

Instigating a conversation about infertility is arduous but it should be encouraged in order to get a positive resolution, prior to that one should know every detail of infertility.

  • What is infertility?

Infertility is inferred as the couple's inefficacy to conceive a baby after having regular unprotected intercourse for over a year. What's more, if she gets pregnant but keeps having miscarriages or stillbirths then it can be acknowledged that she is suffering from infertility.

  • Do men and women both suffer from infertility?

Males and females both can experience infertility. 

  • Global statistics of infertility by WHO?

It has been estimated that between 48 million couples and 186 million individuals live with infertility globally. It is a matter of concern as 1 out of the 8 couples suffer from infertility.

  • What are the scientific grounds of being infertile?

lagging chromosomes, ovulation disorders, damage in the fallopian tube, endometriosis, uterine or cervical causes.

Absence or low levels of sperm, or abnormal shape and movement of the sperm.

  • What are the initial manifestations of infertility?

Heavy, long, or painful periods, Irregularity in the menstrual cycle, Hormonal problems, Pain during intercourse, Dark or pale menstrual blood, Obesity, and Underlying medical conditions in females.

Reduced sexual desire, or difficulty maintaining an erection (erectile dysfunction), Pain, swelling, or a lump in the testicle area, Recurrent respiratory infections, Inability to smell.

 Why is Infertility Found to Be Customary at Present?

The number of people having infertility is terribly rising. People at the crack of dawn till dusk tend to be at sixes and sevens tied up in giving thoughts to their unpredictable life which leads to muddling up sooner or later. 

Mankind is totally engaged in making a radiant future for which, going through ups and downs is the ultimate process. In the meantime, they have to suffer through a lot of things which results in stress. In order to exude stress, they step up to consume alcohol and smoke. 

Most people are indulged in a sedentary lifestyle where they spend most of their time in non-physical activities. Moreover, numerous people working in the office performing on computers sitting at a place is generally seen in urban areas. This type of lifestyle hands out ill health and many preventable diseases. Doing no physical activity will lead to an increase in weight, and in turn, people will get concerned about losing fat. But again, regular exercise sometimes can be the reason for infertility. So, this whole loop of stress will be dragged on.

Most people are emotionally weak, and fail to tolerate day-to-day problems, resulting in depression and psychological stress. The current generation rather than consuming healthy food prefers to have junk food for different reasons. On the other side, Countries that are developing or underdeveloped are running through poverty where people are not getting proper nutrition. We should give it a thought as it is important to maintain fertility even without reproducing.

Infertility sometimes becomes the bone of contention between partners. Later, in turn, it gives the worst result ever which is way easier to ruin the relationship of a couple. Couples tend to get separated by getting divorced, creating violence, and blaming each other under the pressure of society. Lose attraction towards each other, get depressed, feel anxious, and have low self-esteem. It makes relationships toxic. Instead of feeling agitated and doing such things, one should show concern about stepping up for positive outcomes as treatments for infertility are on the cards. 

 How to Discuss Infertility with Your Partner?

infertility treatment, fertility guide
 Let's talk about infertility
  • Make sure that you had a quick ferret around about infertility before the conversation.
  • Before initiating the conversation make sure that you are emotionally strong.
  • Put the heads together with your partner and initiate it without hesitation.
  • It is very crucial to appreciate and acknowledge your partner while having the word on infertility.
  • Talk about each and every minute detail about it.
  • Try to make your partner understand that at least you have options.
  • Make sure you have a strong and solid bond before the treatment journey.
  • Unite your partner in this whole journey.
  • Give your partner his/her own space to embrace this thing.

Progressive Treatments Greasing the Wheels for Future Parents:

Now one can dream about having a baby with the blessing of expanded treatments. In order to narrow down the hopelessness of people suffering from infertility, you have so many options, it's just about you taking action:

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

  • The process of mingling the male’s sperm and female’s egg in the test tube for insemination.

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

  • The process of laying down the male’s sperm directly in the woman’s womb. 

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

  • The process of pushing a single sperm (being incompetent to get in the egg) by injecting it into the mature egg.                   

Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection (IMSI)

  • Detecting and selecting the sperm availing microscope for microinjection into the egg.

Blastocyst Culture Treatment

  • Process of narrowing down the risk of multiple pregnancies and optimizing the rate of pregnancy while choosing the best embryo.

GIFT (Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer)

  • Numerous eggs are collected from the ovaries n letting them fuse with the sperm in the catheter and later injected into the fallopian tubes through a surgical procedure.

ZIFT (Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer)

  • Mingling the male’s sperm with the female’s egg until it results in a zygote, later placed in the fallopian tube. 

Natural IVF cycle treatment

  • This is a process similar to IVF but it uses fewer medications so preferable to those who detest medications.


  • It is where a woman agrees to deliver a baby for the other woman, who is incapable of reproducing.

Before proceeding to any of the above treatments, one should dig out more in-depth. Going through them will help one to make better decisions. 

 Nourish, Flourish, Cherish:

As per the study, it was examined that women should care much more than men because nature has invested too much in women as they are blessed with the elaborative system of the body. Parturition is no less than a miracle. There is no particular formula to consume what and how to stay healthy but to nourish the body one should consume a balanced diet that comprises great nutrition along with plenty of water. What more sleep is as mandatory as a proper diet. If you feed your hormones in a genuine manner, they will become a gem in your crown.

What should one consume to boost fertility?

  • The food which is rich in all kinds of vitamins:


Green tea, sprouts, vegetable oil, corn, olive oil, cereal products, nuts and seeds, fruit juice, etc.


Eggs, salmon, sunlight, fortified foods, shiitake mushrooms, etc.


Citrus fruits, green peppers, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli and sweet and potatoes, etc.

  • Should include whole grains like brown rice, wheat, etc.
  • Should consume food rich in folic acid like spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, etc.
  • Prefer organic fruits, vegetables, dairy products, etc.
  • Ground nut is a source of COQ10 enzyme which helps in boosting sperm count.
  • Food that contains zinc like pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, etc.
  • A high-fiber diet should be taken to boost fertility.
  • Food is rich in antioxidants like pear, lychee, banana, kiwi, apricot, etc.

                            What should one avoid?

  • In the case of PCOD and endometriosis, one should avoid soya proteins and red meat
  • Processed dairy products
  • Can juices, papaya, pineapple, jack fruit, soda, alcohol and caffeine.

Balancing Mind and Body:

Whatever busy you are, you must take out at least 45 minutes for brisk walking, cycling, yoga, etc. For relieving stress and balancing the body with the mind along with boosting fertility one should try the below-mentioned yoga. It will even make you capable of conceiving a baby naturally:

  • Legs on the wall pose
  • Supported bridge pose
  • Cobra pose
  • Wide angle pose
  • Butterfly pose
  • Child’s pose
  • Pelvic tilt pose
  • Lotus pose

The mental status of every person is different from one another. This is about how people respond to their problems. What we don't often realize is that it is always within our power at every moment to decide whether to make an interpretation of an experience or not. The solution lies in the person itself whether to get stuck in that situation or to welcome that with open arms in order to solve it because “what we resist, persists.” Coping with infertility is debilitating emotionally and physically but worth having.

“Motherhood is not at all about getting the biological capacity to get pregnant, all it takes is willingness.”

The Scientific World

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