The Importance of Personal Hygiene in Our Life

Hygiene and cleanliness play a vital role in human life. Personal hygiene practice includes bathing, washing your hands, cutting nails, brushing your teeth, covering your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve when sneezing or coughing, and more.  

Personal Hygiene
Personal Hygiene and Cleanliness

Why is Personal Hygiene Important in Our Lives?

Personal hygiene is one of the best ways to protect yourself from contracting viral infections and infectious diseases and lead to a good social life and physical and mental health.



Personal Hygiene 


Hygiene is defined as a set of behaviors and practices that are consistent with the preservation of human health and livelihood. 

Hygiene is one of the most important good behaviors that have a direct impact on the lives of individuals. 

Personal hygiene is defined as a set of behaviors and habits that a person performs with the intention of preserving his health, appearance, and smell. 

Personal hygiene is the pillar of health, and one of the important factors that inspire respect for people, as well as give a person a sense of vitality and activity. 

Health practices are used on the medical side to reduce the incidence and spread of diseases, in addition to the concept of personal and professional care related to most aspects of life. 


The Importance of Personal Hygiene 

Personal hygiene is defined as the cleanliness of the body and the maintenance of a personal appearance. 

Personal hygiene is one of the best ways to protect yourself from contracting viral infections and infectious diseases and lead to a good social life and physical and mental health. 

Good personal hygiene may include clean skin and care of the teeth, mouth, hair, nails, hands, and feet. 

Taking care of personal hygiene and maintaining it is of great importance, including: 


Personal hygiene protects the human body from many diseases, such as diarrhea, poisoning, scabies, pneumonia, eye and skin inflammation, lice, cholera, and dysentery, and reduces the possibility of influenza spread. It also reduces the spread of germs, microbes, and the diseases they cause. 


Personal hygiene makes the individual look decent and smell good, which does not alienate people nor harm them. 

As it forms the first impression of the individual and his personality and a basic feature to judge him through, which raises the value of people’s respect for the individual and spreads his love among them, and makes others feel comfortable while being with him. 


Personal hygiene gives the individual a feeling of comfort and relaxation and makes him feel refreshed, especially in the summer. 


Personal hygiene gives the individual the freedom to move, and approach the people around him in a way that does not bother them, unlike the individual who does not maintain his cleanliness. 


The effects of caring for personal hygiene are reflected in the individual's mental health, as it protects him from becoming depressed and stressed, and gives him self-confidence. 


Personal hygiene increases the individual's ability to focus on the implementation of the tasks assigned to him, and to finish them quickly and efficiently, because it gives him energy and vitality. 


Personal hygiene reduces the possibility of a body odor, which may cause embarrassment for the individual in cases of mixing with people in his community.


How to Maintain a Good Personal Hygiene 

The human body is a place where germs and parasites multiply to cause many diseases. The most vulnerable places are the skin and in and around openings in the body. 

However, there are fewer opportunities for these germs and parasites to multiply in people who follow healthy habits for their personal hygiene, and good personal hygiene habits include: 


Wash your body daily as possible. Regular daily showering contributes to controlling body odor, especially in the area of the armpits and feet, and reduces skin problems such as acne, and whenever the need to wash hair, take a shower, and dry yourself well after bathing, so that bacteria do not grow. Visit Eco Water Spa for a high-pressure and water-saving mineral cleansing shower head.

And when daily showering is not possible, whether due to a shortage of water or certain circumstances, such as going out on a camping trip, swimming, or washing the body with a damp sponge or cloth dampened with water will do the trick. In general, you should wash at least 3 times a week. 


Brush the teeth frequently, and at least once a day, as it is preferable to brush the teeth after eating each meal to avoid the possibility of gum disease and decay, and it is important to clean them in the morning, after breakfast, and before going to sleep. 

Dental hygiene helps reduce bacteria that contribute to tooth decay and gum disease. 

Flossing can also be used in the process of cleaning teeth, and strong and healthy gums and a healthy smile must be maintained as well so that you do not encounter problems that may cause you pain. 


Wash the hair with the appropriate hair cleaning liquid once a week at least. In general, oily hair types may require washing daily while dry hair types should be washed with shampoo up to twice a week.  

If you have normal hair and your hair is not oily or dry, you have the luxury of washing your hair whenever you feel the need to. 


Make sure to wear clean clothes and replace them if they are dirty, especially underwear, and hang clothes after washing them in the sun to dry, because the sun’s rays contribute to killing some germs and parasites. 


Follow a routine of washing hands frequently before eating and after eating, after trips, and after handling animals, or touching dirty things, after using the toilet, and during normal daily activities such as playing and working. This contributes to reducing the spread of germs, bacteria, and food-borne diseases 

Hands should be wet with warm running water and soap for at least 20 seconds, making sure to clean fingers, nails, cuticles, and wrists, using a new paper towel or air dryer. 


Drain the face away from others, and cover the nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing, to prevent the spread of liquid droplets that contain germs to people causing them an infection. 


Keep the fingers and nails clean, and trim them periodically, as this reduces the occurrence of various problems with them.

The Scientific World

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