Mental Health between Biology and Sociology | Biosociology and Sociobiology

Biosociology is a systematic study of the biological basis of social behavior that explains the social behavior of animals (and humans) in the light of natural selection and other biological processes.
Sociobiology explains altruistic behavior in some animal species because such behaviors usually benefit from closely related individuals whose genes are similar to those of an altruistic individual.
Mental Health between Biology and Sociology
The relationships between psychology, biology, and sociology

Mental Health between Biology and Sociology - Biosociology and Sociobiology

Mental health

Mental health refers to the level of psychological, emotional and social well-being or an absence of mental disorders.
If someone has good mental health and a satisfactory level of behavioral and emotional harmonization, he lives a happy and healthy life.

Mental health is an integral part of the human body, it affects the rest of the body and affects how we feel, think and act.
It is possible to get sick and require medical intervention, in this period; mental illness has become a scientific awareness and also has a lot of specialists who deal with the psychological and mental patient.

There are mental health specialists who know very well that we must deal with mental illness. This process is the same as dealing with any disease that affects the human body.
This disease occurs as a result of major problems that may be experienced by humans, sometimes the psychological disease is heredity in the genes of one parent and transmitted to other generations.

 There are many mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression as well as mental disorders, phobia and obsessive-compulsive disorder, etc. Every disease has its own method of treatment.

Biosociology and Sociobiology

Biosociology is a systematic study of the biological basis of social behavior. Biosociology attempts to understand and explain the social behavior of animals (and humans) in the light of natural selection and other biological processes. 

One of its central principles is that genes (and their transmission through successful reproduction) are the main drivers of animal struggles for survival and that animals will behave in ways that increase their chances of transmitting copies of their genes to future generations. 
Because behavior patterns are inherited to some extent, the evolutionary process of natural selection reinforces those behavioral (as well as physical) features that increase an individual's chances of reproduction.

Sociobiology contributed to the understanding of many ideas about the social behavior of an animal. 
This apparently explains altruistic behavior in some animal species because such behaviors usually benefit from closely related individuals whose genes resemble those of an altruistic individual. 
This insight helps explain why a soldier's ants sacrifice their lives to defend their colonies, or why bees working in a breeding hive to help the queen reproduce. 

In some cases, social biology can explain the differences between male and female behavior in certain animal species as a result of the different strategies that both sexes must use in order to pass on their genes to future generations.

Sociobiology is more controversial when it tries to explain different human social behaviors in terms of their adaptive value of reproduction.
Advocates of social biology respond that at least some aspects of human behavior must be biologically affected (because competition with other species will be chosen for this trait).
Evolutionary interpretations of human behavior are not fundamentally flawed but should be evaluated in the same way as other scientific hypotheses.

Mental health between biology and sociology

Mental health is the psychology in general and is the result of biological impacts woven with the social structure in continuous dynamic interactions.

The complexity goes beyond this traditional approach to genetics and the environment, which has undergone tremendous developments in genetics as a result of our growing understanding of social structures and mechanisms.

The search for an unspecified and the semi-static public environment is no longer being pursued and it no longer deals with the data of traditional genetics according to Mendel's experiments, it is no longer studying this relationship from a cumulative mechanical perspective (the impact of genetics plus the impact of the environment) and determines their respective proportions and weights.

Psychology and mental health are the results of the intermarriage of biology and sociology. 
In other words, this is the area in which biology determines its territory and foundations, while sociology defines its walls and roof.

Mental health whatever its manifestations (cognitive, emotional or behavioral) is based on the activity of the biological entity and the mental and physical separation.

Neurobiology is by far a missegregation of the greatest and named human condition on its biological deficiencies related to brain chemistry or genetic balance and quality. 
Also, the manifestations of the human psyche are not carried out in a vacuum but are conditioned by their biosphere in its full dimensions, which constitutes and codifies them. 

Growth, for example, does not occur in a lab for traders, but in the normal situations of life in various circles, ranging from family, neighborhood, friends and work to the general social and cultural frameworks.

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