What is Five Finger Reading Strategy? How can It be Employed in Education?

Five finger rule for reading is designed to help learners recall the five key elements of the story. 
Five fingers retell reading strategy helps students acquire several skills such as listening, forecasting, and summarizing and many mental skills.
In this article, we will let you know what the five-finger strategy is and how we can apply it in our educational system.
Five Finger Strategy
Five-finger retell reading strategy

What is Five Finger Reading Strategy? How can It be Employed in Education?

Teaching and Learning Strategies

The teacher is a central element of the educational system, due to the close correlation between qualitative learning outcomes and teaching strategies and methods
The outcomes of the educational process depend on the service provided to students by the teacher and his approach to achieving educational learning objectives and developing students' abilities to the highest levels that enable them to face life challenges and enhance self-reliance. No matter how the life we ​​live in.

Technological and scientific advances have invaded the educational process but This does not eliminate the role of the teacher and its important position in the education system. 
Therefore, we must always seek to develop the teacher from all aspects, whether professional or academic and acquire many of the skills that enable him to improve the educational process. 
This will be achieved only through the use of many effective strategies, and follow-up everything that is new in the world of education in order to advance our educational reality. 

To achieve educational goals and improve instructional processes, researchers provided a brief overview of the "Five-Finger Strategy", or "Five-Finger Rule", which may be used separately or can be combined with several other strategies.

In this article, we will discuss what the five-finger reading strategy is and how we can apply it in the educational system.

What is Five Finger Reading Strategy?

Five Finger Rule for Reading is a strategy that helps students acquire several skills such as listening, forecasting, summarizing and many mental skills, building questions by employing the five key question tags; when, what, why, how, and who.
"Where "can also be added in this list if necessary in order to achieve specific educational goals.
Five Finger Rule for Reading is designed to help students remember the five basic elements of the story.
This five finger rule includes:
  • Thumb - Setting
  • Pointer - Characters
  • Tall Finger - Problem
  • Ring Finger - Events/Episodes
  • Little Finger - Ending/Solution
The five-finger reading strategies can be used to help students summarize the content orally or complete a written summary.

How can the Five Finger Strategy Be Employed in Education?

Five-finger retell reading strategy can be applied as a guideline to help your children find 'just right' books.
Your children can apply this strategy according to how many fingers they hold up. It is worth remembering that if their heart is set on a book that seems too hard, it is probably okay to let them choose it.

Parents should allow their children to read the books in which they are interested. This plays a very important role in creating and maintaining their love of books and reading.

Five Finger Strategy Steps
Prepare a hand finger design.
Write in each finger, when, what, why, how, who, and in the palm summarize the most basic ideas in the lesson.
Divide students into groups so that each group includes five students.
Ask them to read the headlines in the lesson, then ask them to write questions before the start of the lesson and what they want to learn, things they have ambiguities about or are interesting to them.
After the students have finished writing the questions, introduce the lesson, and assure the students to focus on the answers to their questions.
Start the activity and ask them to solve the questions.
After completing, have the students summarize the lesson ideas in the palm.
Display the chart in front of the students or the teacher asks each group to read the answers and provide feedback.

The Role of the Teacher in Five-Finger Strategy

The teacher divides students into pentagonal groups and encourages meaningful collaborative work.
He explains how the five-finger strategy works, and how to employ questioning tools.
He encourages students to answer the questions they have written as they understand the lesson described.
He employs the methods and strategies that develop thinking skills among students.
He gives students the opportunity to formulate challenging tasks and deep thought-provoking questions.
He provides continuous feedback on the correctness of the composition of the questions, and the correctness of the answers reached.
He creates a fertile classroom environment rich in educational stimuli and teaching aids.

The Role of the Learner in Five-Finger Strategy

Students formulate sound questions about the task at hand, starting with special question names.
They ask powerful, thought-provoking questions about the task at hand.
They challenge the students themselves to make efforts to solve the instructional tasks they have formulated themselves.
They engage in individual and collaborative work to accomplish educational assignments.
They pay attention to the teacher's explanation and answer the questions they noted.
They ask everyone answers and benefit from feedback.
They participate in the evaluation process and have a meaningful ongoing assessment.

Advantages of Five Finger Reading Strategy

This strategy is distinguished from other strategies because:

Five-finger rule gives the learner the ability to formulate questions related to the educational task.
It develops the learner's self-confidence, and makes him take responsibility for his learning.
It supports collaborative work among learners.
It emphasizes the principle of constructive dialogue and active participation between the teacher and the learner.
It contributes to enriching the linguistic outcome of students by forming questions.
It works to maintain the impact of learning through the participation of the learner in the educational process.
It gives learners the ability to self-assess and make meaningful judgments.
It emphasizes summarizing the most prominent lesson ideas in the palm, which contributes to the survival of the learning effect.

The Scientific World

The Scientific World is a Scientific and Technical Information Network that provides readers with informative & educational blogs and articles. Site Admin: Mahtab Alam Quddusi - Blogger, writer and digital publisher.

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