Hormone Interactions with Target Cells - How Do Hormones Control Your Life?

There are two basic systems in the human body to monitor all aspects of life: Nervous system and endocrine system. 
The endocrine system contains a number of important glands of internal secretion. Its function is the production and secretion of blood hormones - chemicals that affect the physiological processes that occur in other organs.  
Hormones are known to have an effect on our bodies and our minds. In the following article, we will review how hormone interactions can control your life and how you control them.
human endocrine system
Hormone interactions: A better understanding of how hormones control our bodies

Hormone Interactions with Target Cells - How Do Hormones Control Your Life?

You may think that your life is going on as a result of your behaviors and actions that come from within you completely without interfering with anything else. But when you read this article you will discover that hormone interactions have another point of view on this matter. 

Hormones are chemicals secreted through the body's endocrine glands. These hormones go to every centimeter inside your body carrying messages and targets through which the hormone interactions occur.
These hormones are chemical molecules, mostly carbon molecules. These molecules are the ones that carry out all the different activities inside your body from the simplest ones such as growth and hunger to the most complex such as reproduction and feelings.

What are hormones and those hormone interactions? How do we control our lives in a way that is beyond our own control?  This is what we will learn in the next sections of this article.

How Do Hormones Control Your Life?

As an ideal way to try to learn about hormone interactions and the way we control them, we need to know the hormones first.
The best way to learn about hormones is to know how the endocrine system responsible for these hormones works.

We will try to make the subject more simplified and easy without interfering in the details of biology and we will only mention the names of some glands and responsible function of hormones secreted by that gland.

Endocrine Glands and Some of Their Hormones

The glands are responsible for hormone interactions
The pituitary gland is the gland that is responsible for the secretion of other glands controls the secretion of those glands. This makes it responsible for many of the most important functions of growth hormones.

The rest of the glands control separate functions such as hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) that controls the level of calcium in the body. The thyroid gland controls the burning of calories and heart rate.

The thymus gland is responsible for the immune system and maturation.
The pancreas gland secretes insulin, which controls the level of sugar in the body.
 Another type of gland called the adrenal gland/adrenaline that controls the hormones of pressure, cortisol, and emotional desire.

Hypothalamus controls body temperature, hunger, mood, thirst, sleep, and emotional thinking.

How Do Hormone Interactions Affect Our Health?

As we explained earlier, chemical atoms called "hormones" are responsible for all hormone interactions and movements within your body cells.
We will learn about some of the very exciting effects of these hormone interactions on some of our body membranes.

We will know the bad effects of these hormone interactions and how to get rid of them, as well as good hormone interactions and how to maintain them.

We will be able to gain a better understanding and awareness of what is happening within our bodies.

Human Endocrine System
Human Endocrine System: Hormone interactions with target cells


When you feel some danger or physical and psychological exhaustion, the hypothalamus secretes large amounts of cortisol in your bloodstream. This hormone is known as another name"stress hormone"!

The hormone interaction resulting from the secretion of this hormone is that it speeds up your heartbeat allowing your brain to get more oxygen. It also provides high energy by depleting the fat and glucose stores inside your body.
These symptoms may seem good and you will get a lot of energy and get rid of some fat too!

But the truth is that studies have shown that prolonged exposure to stress and pressure for a long time will drain the stock of cortisol that is inside you, leaving you isolated and depleted in front of the next danger and exhaustion attacks.

How Do You Naturally Lower Cortisol Levels?
The simplest way to keep your cortisol level moderate without an increase that may harm or decrease that may make you discomfort, is to do some exercise. 

Sports for heart muscle strengthening - three hours a week are at a moderate level. But be careful to exercise too much. The longer you keep your exercise effective the better result you get.
Exercising for more than 40 minutes increases the cortisol level in your body.


Melatonin hormone is also called "sleep hormone" it begins hormone interactions when the sun begins in the sunset and feel your body enter the night, the pineal gland secretes this hormone.
This hormone is very important as it helps in attacking stress and tension and acts as an antioxidant, which protects your body cells from breakage.

It seems so good; the bad thing is that this hormone requires complete darkness to be able to function.

Natural or industrial lights will stop the secretion of this hormone immediately, which will prevent you from all the benefits that it gives you.

In fact, studies have shown that a low level of this hormone in the individual is a cause of obesity, diabetes and possibly cancer!

How Can You Maintain Your Melatonin Hormone?
As we explained that the hormone interactions of this hormone require complete darkness.
So make sure your room is completely dark and free of any radiation during your sleep. This includes TV, telephone, computer and everything that can be a source of radiation next to you.

You should turn off all sources of radiation and may depend on black window covers to ensure better insulation of light. 

The second and somewhat strange thing is what some studies have shown that tight clothing reduces the secretion of melatonin by 60%! 
So, try to sleep in comfortable and harmless clothing for your body and your hormones.

Eat some simple healthy food before bedtime as it is always a good habit. You may want to eat some berries before bedtime when you know that it is rich in melatonin.

Oxytocin -The love hormone

Oxytocin , also called "the love hormone"!, is a neuropeptide and peptide hormone. Oxytocin is usually produced in the hypothalamus and is released by the pituitary of the posterior. It plays an important role in social bondage, sexual reproduction, childbirth and the postnatal period.

Every time you hold on to your friend or partner, oxytocin hormone will take off in your body.

Hormone interactions resulting from this hormone raise the moral support of the individual and make him more able to trust the people who cause the secretion of this hormone.
This hormone also works to reduce the stress caused by normal life, and when it rises too much it is a catalyst for emotional desire.

How to Increase Oxytocin Levels in the Brain?
The best way to keep the hormone interactions of the love hormone is connecting with the people you love and maintaining good relationships that in turn will alert you to better feelings.
Getting a pet is also spoiled and linked to it that can stimulate the secretion of this hormone when you play with him.

Serotonin or 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)

Serotonin is basically a monoamine neurotransmitter. Serotonin has a very popular image as a contributor in the feelings of goodness and happiness, although its actual biological work is complex and multifaceted, which modifies the cognition, sensation, learning, reward, memory and many physical processes.

Endorphins, oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin are the quartet responsible for our well-being and happiness. Many incidents can trigger these neurotransmitters, but instead of being in the passenger seat, there are ways we can deliberately stream them. 

You will find these neurotransmitters most of the time. They work like hormones so we can call them hormones. 
These types of hormones with different concentrations of each of them in the blood obtained a certain mood ranging from happiness to sadness and other moods. So, we can say that serotonin is partly responsible for our mood.

The high level of serotonin in the blood will improve your mood and may help you be able to do more than one job at the same time.
As for the lower than normal, it leads to compulsive behaviors such as the inability to get rid of a certain idea, for example. Sometimes the effect of this hormone decreases to depression.

How do you maintain a high level of serotonin?
You can get the hormone serotonin in two ways, both of which lie in your meal.
The first ingredient that helps you to make serotonin is carbohydrates so you may have to discover the best diet for you.
A diet that deprives you of carbohydrates may cause you unhappiness in return.
The second ingredient is a very important amino acid called tryptophan; you can get the amino acid by eating some yogurt or bananas.


This time we will not talk about a particular hormone, but we will talk about the mother gland that secretes the hormones.
The most common thyroid hormones are thyroxin and triglyceride.

The basic function of the thyroid gland is that it acts as a means of balance within the body; it maintains the functions of the body without various excessive or severe shortages.
Another important part of the thyroid gland is that it acts as a regulator of digestion and energy for the body.

Most of the things that are harmful to the thyroid gland, therefore, the resulting hormones are malnutrition and exposure to chronic fatigue.
These things disrupt thyroid function, leaving you with too much or too little of these hormones. This disorder has a permanent feeling of exhaustion, constipation or cold.

How can you face thyroid risks?
One of the most serious things on your body in general and the thyroid gland is especially bisphenol-a (BPA).
This chemical is a very hazardous material and is present in plastic products around us. Therefore, we have to be very careful when we get plastic and make sure it is free from that product.
We also have to warn that they may hide in the simplest things we use as plastic bottles.


Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “stomach” is food, and this is very true.
The most important hormones that are secreted in the stomach are hormone leptin and hormone ghrelin. These hormones are responsible for regulating the eating process in humans.

When you feel hungry and your stomach is empty, the stomach and pancreatic channel secrete the hormone ghrelin, which sends signals to your brain that your stomach is empty and you feel hungry.

When you meet your dietary needs and eat enough, the fat inside your body begins to secrete leptin to block your appetite and tell you that you have just finished eating.

You may now wonder if it is so easy among the hormones where a hormone tells you that you are hungry and another tells you that you have enough ..
Why do not you stop eating and gaining more weight! This happens because this circulation can be cut in half between the feeling of hunger and saturation if you eat a lot of sugar.
Then the sugar prevents the secretion of leptin, leaving you in the wrong signal that you are hungry and need food.

How Can You Regulate the Function of Stomach Hormones?
You may now have a glimpse of what you should do to regulate the action of leptin and glycine hormones.
You should be careful in your diet and do not eat more sugar than you need for a day. For example, women do not need more than 6 teaspoons of sugar a day.
Do not forget that sugar is not just the white polycrystalline we put in our drinks, but it is found in most of our home-made foods. So be careful while eating your food.

These are some simple guidelines to help you maintain your body and keep your hormone interactions within the allowable range without excessive or deficient.

The Scientific World

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