Consumer Food Choices can Help Reduce Greenhouse Emissions

According to the researchers, if consumer food choice theories are applied every day of the year and with equivalent changes in domestic food production, the estimated dietary shift will achieve a decrease in emissions to meet its goals under the Paris Climate Agreement. In the United States, many states and municipalities are still working to meet the emissions targets and solve these problems.
Consumer food choices
Greenhouse emissions and consumer food choices

Consumer Food Choices can Help Reduce Greenhouse Emissions

What food choices help fight the changing climate?

There has been little research conducted about the affordability and feasibility of low carbon food options organized by Connecticut University.
The study provides the most comprehensive estimation of greenhouse gas emissions and suggests that if people have guided their food purchases with meat and other animal proteins, they can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

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Recently, a new study report has been published in the Journal Food Policy, which was jointly organized by researchers of the UConn Rudd Centre and researchers of the Zwick Center, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Economic Research Service.

Studies show that industries producing beef and other red meat produce the largest share of greenhouse gas emissions from domestic purchases, about 21%, fresh vegetables, and melons 11% cheese industry 10% and milk products and butter 7%, people guided their food purchases with meat and other animal proteins, they could help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Changing food consumption can be an important area to reduce greenhouse gas emissions because food purchases account for 16% of greenhouse gas emissions. Dietary changes have been proposed as a way to reduce carbon emissions in the diet system. But a little research on affordability and viability of low carbon food options, how can these options affect diet and climate change?

The main author of the study with the Red Center for Food Policy and Obesity, Rebecca Boehm, answered the above question, "Our study shows that consumers should make food choices.

To discourage greenhouse gas emissions, this can make a real difference in addressing climate change. In our research, we have found that families spending more of their weekly food budgets on beef, chicken and other meats are producing more greenhouse gas emissions; generally, animal-based foods are more than plant-based foods.

Greenhouse gas emissions are responsible for the production of beef cattle and dairy cows, especially associated with high emission levels.

Database on Greenhouse and Environmental Impact Assessment

Greenhouse gas emissions
Greenhouse gas emissionsand environmental impact assessment 

Researchers created a database that assessed the environmental impact involved in the production of over 300 types of food items. They linked the database to the food procurement on the national level with the findings of the representative data, which adds extensive domestic procurement data to the American Environmental Protection Agency tool, which is used to calculate greenhouse gas emissions from every stage of the food supply chain.
This can be done in which production, manufacturing, distribution, transport, and retail and restaurants etc.
To estimate the distribution of the effects related to food, the National Health, and Nutrition Examination Survey combines its database of environmental impacts of individuals, self-reported diets.

Mr.Boehm strengthened his words in the context of the previous study "Previous studies did not always capture greenhouse gas emissions from all parts of the food system. But this study is one of our progress in understanding the contribution of food alternatives to climate change. It was great progress; cows did not convert plant-based feed into muscle or milk efficiently, so they feeding the feed often involves the use of fertilizers and other materials produced through energy-intensive processes, and then the fuel used by agricultural equipment.
Methane bursts and their composts also release this powerful greenhouse gas. After our study, the food system, household food expenditure pattern, and socialism.
The relationship between greenhouse gas emissions generated by the classical characteristics were shown. B. Now, the debate can be reported to those findings on which food and food expenditure patterns can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to encourage low carbon diet. Food system, while informing educational efforts for

According to researchers at the University of Michigan and Tulane University, high levels of beef consumption are largely responsible. Comparatively, commercial/residential activity was responsible for 12% and industrial activity was attributed to 21% of the country's greenhouse gas emissions. He researched greenhouse gas emissions from the lowest to highest, then divided them into five equal groups, or quintile.

The highest impact group was responsible for about eight times more emissions than the lowest quintile of the diet. And beef consumption is responsible for 72% of the emission difference between the highest and the lowest groups.
Greenhouse gas emissions
Greenhouse emissions and environmental impact assessment

Senior author and Bergstrom professor in Global Nutrition in Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Sean B. Cash, Ph.D. said "Greenhouse gas emissions produced by household food expenditure differ from the race and academic development.
Changes in them can reduce greenhouse gases by uneven amount. It is striking that environmentally friendly dietary changes. Many opportunities exist with those homes that have the most resources.

Professor Diego Rose, a chief investigator at Tulane said, "Previous studies of dietary greenhouse gas emissions related to food have focused mainly on the average diet.

The first in the United States is the national level representative sample of thousands of Americans Ported dietary is to pay attention, if Americans shift their diet to align with the American average in the highest impact group - low overall consumption of calories and less dependent on meat - one-day greenhouse - Decrease in gas emissions will be equivalent to eliminating 661 million passenger vehicles miles.

U-M researcher Martin Heller, in a journal of journalism journal of the environmental research paper of continuous research systems in school for the first author, environmental and research paper, set for publication on March 20.

Mr. Hailar said, "A big Li-Home message for me is the fact that a large part of the overall contribution of food-related greenhouse gases is the high-impact diet, processing, packaging, distribution, emissions related to refrigeration, and those Study of foodstuff was not a part of the study, but the total emissions would increase by 30% or more.
By eating less food and less animal-based foods, the area to minimize the impact of diet in the United States can be a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. This climate action that is accessible to everyone because we decide on a daily basis we eat.

According to the researchers, if consumer food choice theories are applied every day of the year and with equivalent changes in domestic food production, the estimated dietary shift will achieve a decrease in emissions to meet its goals under the Paris Climate Agreement.
In the United States, many states and municipalities are still working to meet the emissions targets and solve these problems.

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