12 Amazing Accidental Discoveries with Interesting Background Stories

In the history of science, many things have been discovered while searching for something else. 
Some scientific theories and investigations are very surprising and enjoyable, such incidents and accidents are known worldwide, which have opened the door to modern innovations and discoveries. After reading those scientific stories, humans are surprised. 
Therefore, I am presenting some of these interesting scientific stories in your study. Let's see 12 amazing accidental scientific discoveries with interesting background stories.

Accidental Discoveries
Amazing accidental discoveries-Interesting facts

12 Amazing Accidental Discoveries with Interesting Background Stories

12 Awesome Accidental Discoveries

Some scientific theories and investigations are very surprising and enjoyable, such incidents and accidents are known all over the world which directs modern innovations and discoveries. After studying that story, humans are surprised. 

Although there is no evidence of incidents, yet the main topic of attention and interest of the people is.
Therefore, I am presenting some of these important and interesting scientific incidents in your study which it is said that events caused by these events have surprised the whole corner of the world, and sometimes these events have played a major role in making scientific rules and principles.

Eureka! Archimedes Principle of Buoyancy

One of the best-loved stories of science is Archimedes story, fresh from discovering the principle of buoyancy during the bath, walking naked through the streets of Syracuse "Eureka!" ("I've got it!").

The story behind that incident was that Archimedes was accused of proving that a new crown was made for King of Syracuse, Hieron because the owner of the gold claimed it. 

The story was first written in the first century B.C by a Roman architect, Vitruvius
Archimedes used to think long and hard, but a method could not be found to prove that the crown was not solid gold. Immediately after this, he filled the bathtub and saw that the water on the edge had risen and he realized that the water displaced from his body was equivalent to his body weight. 

Knowing that gold was heavier than other metals, the crown maker could have been replaced; Archimedes had a way to determine that the crown was not pure gold. By forgetting that he was undressed, he went running  naked down the streets from his home to the king shouting "Eureka!"("I've got it!").

Theory Of Gravity 

Galileo Galilei has famously dropped balls of the same size but lost weight separately from Pisa's Leaning Tower, and although the story can be apocryphal, the resulting theory is at the center of gravitational theory.

But the popular story tells that Isaac Newton immediately came up with the theory of gravity when an apple fell from a tree and hit it on the head. 
In fact, Newton saw an apple falling from a tree, and found it to think about the mysterious force that draws objects on the ground. 
He compared one of the direct paths of apple to the winding path of the cannonball. He thought what would happen if the ball of the cannon went faster and faster, and felt that eventually "falling" around the curve of the earth, and would never be killed on the ground. 
This "motion falling forever" describes the movement of the Earth around the Sun and the Moon around the Earth.

Chemical transmission of nerve impulses

At the end of the 20th century, scientists were trying to determine and describe how the nerve cells transmit the message. 
One of them is "Otto Loewi", he had heard of a vague and obscure theory that he had left the pulses of chemicals, but in 1920, it was not thought of for a night until one night. 
He still dreamed of an experiment to kill the heart of the frog that would test this theory. He woke up, took vigorous notes, and came back happily to sleep. In the morning, he found the notes illegible, insights disappeared. 
Fortunately, the dream repeated the next night, and this time, Otto Loewi left the bed and reached the lab to begin the experiment according to the dream, and with this help, he confirmed the chemical transmission of nerve impulses.

Discovery Of penicillin- An Antibacterial Substance

In 1928, Alexander Fleming had the archetypal Eureka moment - and unlike Archimedes' story, this is true. 
There is a substance that was believed to work as an antibiotic, in which he used to take a set of Petri dishes along with bacteria and his own special Fleming cuff and left the dishes while taking a two-week break. 

When it started here, mucous did not kill any bacteria, but the mold was flowing through the laboratory and a dish was contaminated. All the bacteria died around the mold. 
A close investigation of the mold revealed that it was producing a chemical-penicillin- which killed bacteria.

Cartesian coordinate system

 A great scientist, Young Rene Descartes was a sick child. To recover from that illness and to shore up his health, he was allowed to sleep till 11 o’clock; he kept a habit throughout his adult life. 
During one of these mornings, Rene Descartes saw a fly flit across the ceiling. Suddenly he thought that by measuring its distance from two vertical walls, he could describe the activities of the fly and its location. 
A formal version of this fly-tracking technique became the Cartesian coordinate system of vertical lines and planes.

Biological Cell

Robert Hook contributed to diverse fields such as astronomy, architecture, paleontology, and physics, but his most important achievement was in biology. In 1665, he made his own compound microscope and started searching. 
When he looked through his lens on a thin piece of cork wood, he looked infinitesimal rectangular, which reminds him of the monks' cells. Hook discovered biological cells - the fundamental unit of all organisms.

Alternating Current Motor

The direct current generator that used to run the first power plant in the 1870s, which surprised the world, but Nikola Tesla drowned: It was incompetent and easily broken. 
Waving through Budapest Park after sunset in 1882, Tesla considered this dilemma. He narrated a stanza from his favorite play "Faust" in which a scientist does business in his soul for knowledge. 

Tesla's magnificent brain, possibly accepting the design for a reliable and efficient alternative current motor, is probably desperate to find a new topic. Tesla started a sketching plan with a stick for the benefit of his running companion.

Innovation of Mauve

In 1856, William Perkin intends to seek treatment for the world, one of the most deadly diseases in malaria.
While trying to replicate the malaria fighter Quinin in his laboratory, Perkin unknowingly discovered a colorful mauve. As a result, Perkin forgot about malaria and made a mint to establish the synthetic dye industry.

Hubble Telescope

Long ago we had the Hubble Telescope, astronomers were upset about the nature of the nebulae: strange, unconscious stars which sometimes looked like a spiral. 

Some scientists, proponents of Island Universe theory, suggested that they were galaxies-separate clusters of stars millions of light-years away. 

Opponents claimed that they should be some new type stars within their galaxy. Edwin Hubble, a California hill peak, in 1923, he investigated a famous spot of light named Andromeda and found that it resolved the group of discrete stars, by solving the whole puzzle by proving the existence of other galaxies than the Milky Way.

Discovery of Radioactivity

A famous physicist, Antoine Henri Becquerel was fascinated by the recently discovered X-ray. He thought that fluorescent minerals naturally produced X-rays after long exposure to sunlight. 
To test his theory, he allowed the mineral samples to dry the sun and then wrap them in black cloth with a plastic plate; as a result, X-ray was hoping to create weak images. 

Too much prevalent to work on a February day, Becquerel wrapped a plate with uranium samples and left it in a drawer for the next few days. 
By the time he opened the bundle, Uranium burned his image on the film, as it is clear that it came in contact with the bright sunlight. 
Some weak phosphorescence in the rock can release more energy than could explain. After further investigation, she and Mary and Pierre Curie found that there was some radioactivity.

Invention of Anaesthesia

Horace Welles was used to playing in its salad days; nitrous oxide was strictly a party toy because it looked like the hyenas to the people. But a friend of the dentist took a lot of things in a laugh-gas platform show and washed his feet. 
The friend did not realize that he would hurt himself. Consequently, nitrous oxide became a present form of anesthesia.

The invention of Viagra

 A Welsh hamlet was ground zero for a test on a tablet to fight angina. Unfortunately for the victims, there was little success against this disease. 
Although this did not work, men who participated in the study refused to leave their medicine. As a result, scientists changed the gear and marketed the drug Viagra for a very different purpose.

It is important to know that, in fact, science generally rejects all the integrity, painful tests and principles of tectonic plates until new laws appear. 
But sometimes, rarely, science actually takes a great leap. Here, I have kept the most exciting and important moments in the entire history of science.

The Scientific World

The Scientific World is a Scientific and Technical Information Network that provides readers with informative & educational blogs and articles. Site Admin: Mahtab Alam Quddusi - Blogger, writer and digital publisher.

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