Planning for Temporary Buildings - All You Need to Know

Planning for Temporary Buildings? Here’s All You Need to Know

Temporary Buildings
Temporary buildings examples

Temporary buildings have come in handy, especially for businesses in need of extra space. For instance, during peak periods, companies require space for the storage of extra finished products. Businesses may also use temporary structures as temporary working areas as they move to or build new permanent structures. However, you must follow the right process when getting a structure, and that includes planning for temporary buildings.

If you want your project to be successful, then you need to have several key considerations in planning permission for temporary structures. Here are some.

What Are the Planning Requirements for Temporary Buildings?

Before a business can erect a building, the law usually requires that they seek formal approval from the local authority. They must get official permission to make significant changes to an existing structure, for example when building extensions.

The formal approval sought during planning for temporary buildings is usually in the form of a construction or building permit prescribed during a given jurisdiction. It is good to note that planning permission does not only apply to permanent structures. Planning for temporary buildings is also important to avoid getting on the wrong side of the law.

Factors That Influence Planning Permission for Temporary Buildings

According to the law in your area, sometimes you may not need to plan for temporary buildings. In other cases, if the temporary structure does not meet certain criteria, then planning permission is required. Here are some factors that may influence the need for planning for temporary buildings.

  • Duration – As the word suggests, temporary structures are designed to be used for a short time. If the time is extended, a business may require planning for the temporary structure. Maybe you could check here if you want to understand more on this. 

  • Purpose – The purpose for which the temporary building will be used can also impact the need for planning permission. For instance, a structure erected for agricultural purposes or during a construction project may have different regulations when compared to a temporary building meant for commercial purposes.

  • Size and scale – Temporary structures that are relatively small and have minimal impact on the surrounding environment or neighboring properties mays be exempt from planning permission requirements. The exact size limits can differ between jurisdictions.

How to Obtain Planning Permission for Temporary Buildings

Obtaining planning for a temporary structure may vary depending on your location and the specific regulations in your area. However, there are some general steps that you can follow. They are:

  • Research the local regulation – The first step is researching and comprehending the planning regulations in your area. Each jurisdiction may have its own rules and guidelines concerning planning for temporary buildings. Always check with your local planning departments or visit their online websites to understand the specific requirements.

  • Consult with a professional – If you are a newbie in this kind of process, it is always advisable to find a professional to help you. You may decide to find an architect, planner, or legal advisors. They will guide and help you to ensure that your application is prepared correctly.

  • Prepare the application – Once you have sources of understanding everything you need to about planning for temporary buildings, you can now go ahead and prepares an application. Gather all of the required documents and information to support your planning application.

  • Apply - Submit your planning application to the right local planning authority. Follow their instructions for submission including any fees or specific forms required.

  • Wait for the decision – Once you have submitted your application, the local authority will review your application and make a decision based on their evaluation of factors such as the impact on the local areas, land use policies, and the temporary nature of the structure. It will only take a few weeks until the decision is made.

  • Receive planning permission – Once your application is approved, now you can receive your planning permission notice. This is a document outlining any conditions that need to be followed during the construction and operation of the temporary structures.


If you are planning for temporary buildings, then you can always consider this guide to ensure that you are on the right track. In case you suffer any kind of challenges, you can always work with experts to have peace of mind and avoid losses.

The Scientific World

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