5 Carb Free Diet Plans for Beginners You Should Consider

Carb Free Diet Plans for Beginners

5 Carb Free Diet Plans for Beginners You Should Consider

Low-carb diets have been popular for years. A diet that is carb free contains fewer carbohydrates and more protein and fats. It is also known as a keto diet. If you are a beginner looking to shed a few pounds, here are five carb-free diet plans you should consider.

1. Traditional Low Carb

There is no fixed definition of the traditional carb diet plan. The traditional approach requires taking 50 to 100g of carbohydrates daily. It is an excellent place to start since it does not have a lot of restrictions. You need to consume fewer carbohydrates and plenty of proteins. Your diet should contain seeds, fish, meats, vegetables, healthy fats, fruits, and nuts. You should also reduce high carbohydrate foods such as sugary drinks, potatoes, grains and junk foods. The recommended intake will depend on your personal preferences. Here is a a guide you can follow.

  • 100 to 150 grams: It is suitable if you perform high-intensity exercises frequently. At this range, you can take potatoes and plenty of fruits.
  • 50 to 100 grams: This range will be appropriate if you are looking for a slow but steady weight loss. Have a diet with plenty of vegetables but reduce your fruit intake.
  • Below 50 grams: If you want to lose weight fast, choose this range.

2. Keto Diet

A keto meal plan for beginners should include a diet low in carbohydrates and high in fat. The goal is to have fewer carbohydrates, so your body goes into ketosis. When your body is in a state of ketosis, the insulin levels drop while your body releases fatty acids. The fatty acids are transferred to the liver and turned into ketones.

Ketones will supply your brain with energy. As such, your body will produce a small amount of glucose. You must not eat more than 50g of carbohydrates daily and increase your fat intake. You also need to take protein in moderation. Here are some variations of the ketogenic diet where you can add carbohydrates.

  • The targeted ketogenic diet (TKD): You can add little carbohydrate amounts during your workouts.
  • The cyclical ketogenic diet (CKD): You’ll eat the keto diet most days and then go to a high-carb diet 1-2 times a week.

3. Atkins Diet

The Atkins diet has four phases, beginning with low carbohydrate consumption and gradually introducing carbohydrate-rich food. In this diet plan, you must reduce high-carb foods and eat plenty of fats and protein. If you like a more structured diet plan, then Atkins is the one. Here are the four phases of the Atkins diet plan.

  • Induction: It is the first phase of the Atkins diet plan. You’ll eat below 20 grams of carbohydrates every day for two weeks.
  • Balancing: In this second phase, you’ll add more nuts, fruits and low-carbohydrate vegetables.
  • Fine-tuning: As you get closer to your goals, you’ll add more carbohydrates until you get a slower weight loss.
  • Maintenance: In this final phase, you’ll be eating a lot of healthy carbohydrates as your body can take without gaining weight.

4. Dukan Diet

The Dukan diet plan has two maintenance and two weight loss plans. The first phase emphasizes eating food with high protein, then vegetables, followed by two celebration meals and to finish off a way to stabilize your weight. It is suitable for people who are looking for a planned approach. Here are the four phases of the Dukan diet.

  • The attack phase: You’ll jumpstart your weight loss in this phase. You can eat high-protein foods that will result in immediate weight loss.
  • Cruise phase: You’ll add 32 vegetables to your diet, which will help you reach your true weight. You’ll be losing weight gradually by having vegetable days and protein days.
  • Consolidation phase: This phase helps prevent the rebound effect. You can regain weight quickly in this phase. You’ll have to follow a strict timeline of five days for every pound you have lost in the cruise phase.
  • Stabilization phase: Once you learn how to eat healthily, follow the above phases. You need to maintain your new body. Have an all-protein Thursday, go for a walk for 20 minutes every day, and eat oat bran daily.

5. Paleo Diet

The paleo diet is a popular way of eating that requires you to follow the foods that were in the Paleolithic era— before the agricultural revolution. Proponents of the diet believe that it will improve health since humans have adapted to such foods.

The Paleo diet will help you reduce blood sugar and weight loss. In the Paleo diet, your limit your foods to vegetables, fish and meat. You should eat fruits, eggs, fish, vegetables, seafood, tubers and seeds. Following a strict paleo diet means avoiding dairy products, legumes, grains, and processed foods.

If you are looking for carb-free diet plans, you can start with the ones above. You must follow the diet to achieve results when it comes to losing weight.

The Scientific World

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