Tourism And Technology - How Technology Has Changed The Way We Travel

The use of technology in the tourism industry has made travel more environmentally friendly and less time-consuming. Let's take a look at how technology is changing the way we travel.

Tourism And Technology - How Technology Has Changed The Way We Travel
Tourism and Technology

The Use of Technology in Tourism Industry: How Technology Has Changed The Way We Travel

Nobody can deny that technology and travel are a good combination in today's day and age. This united force is also essential in traveling: from the holiday destination we choose to what we do once we reach and even after returning from our trip. It is so common that, according to Google Travel research, 74% of travelers arrange their journeys online, while only 13% still utilize travel agents to plan their trips.

Millennials have also contributed significantly to the paradigm shift. They enjoy traveling and are enthusiastic about new technology. This fusion of interests has created a unique setting where social media, apps, blogs, and other tools play a vital role in planning a vacation. Similarly, as the industry has become more conscious of this trend, it has followed suit by altering its business strategy and product offering to attract this sought-after demographic.

If we want to go somewhere, we go online and check out what the budget airlines have to offer, see which destinations are the cheapest, and voila, we're off! This scenario, which is now so common, was unfathomable a few years ago.

It is common knowledge that what satisfied clients ten years ago is no longer effective now. The internet and new technology have completely revolutionized consumer behavior, and the travel industry has benefited greatly due to these advancements. These shifts in consumer behavior have three ways:

  • Modern clients expect more immediate assistance than they have ever received.
  • Consumers always expect a consistent experience when interacting with brands across channels, from messaging apps and emails to face-to-face interactions.
  • Customers respond positively to personalized content and services.
  • Customers' increased demands and changes in travel habits are due to technological advancements.

Technology in tourism industry
How Technology Is Changing the Way We Travel

Let us delve into some of the ways technology has changed the way we travel to understand its significance better.

Technology has made traveling more environmentally friendly and less time-consuming.

Travel may become a lot eco-friendlier if you wish to, thanks to the invaluable support of technology. The days of printing an airline ticket, boarding pass, or hotel reservation are long gone. We can save on loads of paper and not worry about bringing several documents around, thanks to online reservations, smartphone check-ins, and e-tickets. It is a win-win state for all parties. Online reservations and bookings save time by eliminating waiting in line for a ticket. Even if you are booking a BNB or a static caravan, technology helps in every way.

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Technology helped us save a lot of space by changing our packing routines.

Nowadays, technology is all about cramming as many features and functions as possible into a little device. To listen to music, we no longer need an iPod; all we need is a Spotify or iTunes account, and we can stream music on the go. The same is true for books; we no longer have to worry about fitting them into our baggage. E-readers like Amazon Kindles and Kobo save a lot of space in our bags.

chatbots, Technology in tourism

Accessibility through chatbots

Chatbots have evolved into the ideal traveling companion. Many hotels and airlines already provide customers with messaging alternatives, either by texting them through their apps or establishing messaging channels such as Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp. On the other hand, Chatbots are the real revolution; they're quickly becoming enormous assets in this market. A person can interact with either human or artificial intelligence through a chat interface. Since messaging apps are quickly becoming the new social media, it's only natural for businesses to incorporate these services into their offerings.

Traveling has been made easier and much safer through the introduction of electronic payments.

Digital payments have made our lives much more accessible, whether Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, or Google Wallet. A major advantage of going cashless is convenience. There is no need to carry a lot of cash, a few credit cards, or even wait in line for ATM withdrawals. And there's less risk, which is especially important when traveling abroad, where losing cash may be extremely inconvenient. In addition, with electronic payments, one does not have to worry about credit card fraud or changing cards once the system is properly linked.

Personalized and distinct travel experiences through technological advancements

Personalization is the buzzword in the tourism industry. Modern travelers, especially Millennials, prefer personalized and unique experiences, which they can obtain through technological improvements. Chatbots, websites, blogs, apps, and services have paved the way for people to create a real-life rendition of their dream vacation.

Although blockchain technology is still in its initial stages, it is apparent that it will have a major impact on various businesses. For example, an understandable application of this breakthrough technology in the travel sector would be identification and customization.

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How IoT is Shaping the Future of Travel Industry

Internet of Things, IoT in tourism

Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things (IoT) has a high probability of revolutionizing the tourism business. Sensors connected to the internet are integrated into cars, bags, buildings, and more. According to Spain's Hotel Technology Institute, it "will be the key revolutionary force in the personalization of the consumer experience over the next few years."

Some Virgin Hotel hotels provide their guests with an app to interact with the room's temperature or manage the television. In addition, there are now bags with electronics that allow customers to track where their suitcase is at any time using their cell phones, avoiding lost luggage at the airport or other public locations.


For most travelers, the days of physically printing tickets and arriving at the gate a few hours before the trip are long gone. Technology has aided in streamlining the process and providing a new and user-friendly tactic to the travel industry.

Read Also: 6 Cool Gadgets that Make Life Easier for Traveling

The Scientific World

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