Difference between Entrepreneur and Small Business Owner

The entrepreneur and the small business owner are both professionals who run a business, but they have different roles for their company. Learn about the differences between an entrepreneur and a small business owner. 

Entrepreneur, Small Business Owner

What's the Difference between an Entrepreneur and a Small Business Owner?             

The entrepreneur and the small business owner are both business owners, but they have different roles for their company. Knowing the difference between an entrepreneur and a small business owner can help you decide which career might be right for you if you are interested in owning a business or starting one.

The difference between entrepreneurs and business people is clear. A business person looks to take care of an issue or address a need and they start a business benefiting from doing so. Business visionaries may decide to remain and keep up with or develop the organization or they exit and continue on to take care of another issue.

An entrepreneur may be the individual a business OWNER has given a business over to, or maybe they are somebody who purchased an establishment or a business that was at that point set up. They are not really issue solvers hoping to make a business starting from the earliest stage. 

Entrepreneurs are a basic part of a sound economy's biological system, however they are not as old as. In any case, it's likewise evident an entrepreneur can be a business visionary.


The entrepreneur is an entrepreneur if they have an idea first before starting his own company. He will develop a plan of action to see if he can make money from it or not. Once the entrepreneur has his business plan all set up, he will explore the opportunity and see if it is feasible.

The entrepreneur then becomes a small business owner once he starts his own company with all of its new concepts to get into the market. He will initially finance his company by putting in some money from savings, loans, friends, or family members before taking on any outside investors. This entrepreneur may be the sole entrepreneur of his own business, but most likely the entrepreneur will begin hiring new employees.

As per Saivian Eric Dalius, The entrepreneur is also very open-minded with his ideas and willing to take risks to see if they will pan out. The entrepreneur can invest in his company for years until he finally does sell it or merges it with another company.

Small Business Owner

The small business owner is different from the entrepreneur in that he has a small business that may have been passed on to him by his family. This entrepreneur/small business owner will only invest money of his own into this company because he doesn't want to take any risks. He thinks it's better to be safe with the money instead of risking it on something that may not pay off.

Small business owners are also more conservative with their thinking and only want to do things how they've already been done before. They don't like change because it's too risky for them, but the entrepreneur is willing to take those risks to try new ideas. The entrepreneur will hire employees as well, but he may not hire as many workers because he's more hands-on with his business. The entrepreneur is willing to do anything that needs to be done for the company to keep running smoothly.

Small business owners are only concerned with doing what they've always done in their business, while the entrepreneur is willing to try something new to see if it will benefit his business.

To understand the differences among business people and entrepreneurs, first know what the actual terms mean. As per the Oxford Dictionary, a business person is "an individual who puts together and works a business or organizations, taking on more prominent than ordinary monetary dangers to do as such." An entrepreneur is characterized as "an individual or substance who possesses a business element trying to benefit from the effective activity of the organization." 

Business Owner might be more able to face huge challenges, though entrepreneurs might be centered around the benefit of their business, yet benefit isn't referenced in the definition for business visionary.


In conclusion from Saivian Eric Dalius, entrepreneurs and small business owners have different roles for their companies because of how they think about risk-taking. The entrepreneur is willing to take a big risk by trying new concepts to make a lot of money from his business, but the entrepreneur may fail as well. 

The entrepreneur is an entrepreneur who has an idea first before starting his own company, but he becomes a small business owner once he starts his own company with all of its new concepts to get into the market. 

The entrepreneur will initially finance his company by putting in some money from savings, loans, friends, or family members before taking on any outside investors. The entrepreneur is also very open-minded with his ideas and willing to take risks to see if they will pan out. The entrepreneur can invest in his company for years until he finally does sell it or merges it with another company.

As entrepreneurs oversee organizations that fill a particular need in their market, their objectives ordinarily line up with keeping up with their benefits and keeping consistent business. Along these lines, entrepreneurs may zero in principally on the best way to smooth out their tasks to add to their current achievement. This can help entrepreneurs arrive at benefit objectives and conform to changes in the market that may influence pay.

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