How 5G Drones Can Transform Live Broadcasts

As time goes on, technology levels the playing field. The use of 5G drones over conventional aircraft in live broadcasts is a great example. Find out how 5G drones can transform live broadcasting.

5G Drones
5G Drone

How 5G Drones Can Transform Live Broadcasts and Video Streaming

Technology often comes up with new and exciting additions to our lives. But in many cases, it also comes up with new inventions that are better suited to certain tasks than current tech. 5G drones are a great example. 

Drone technology, powered by the ubiquitous 5G network, has huge potential to help humanity. 5G drones are transforming broadcasting and live streaming, connecting us in new and better ways to our world.

TV and the Internet are major sources of broadcasting and live streaming. A TV and Internet bundle called Internet TV will simplify your life and allow you to have dozens of sites to watch your favorite live shows and programs.

Do you remember watching a Cops high-speed car chase?  A few years ago, news and entertainment networks needed specially outfitted helicopters and small planes for live aerial broadcasts. That meant burning hundreds or even thousands of dollars simply in fuel and piloting costs. That’s not to mention the SD-only quality available at the time. But modern 5G drones may revolutionize such live broadcasts forever. Read on to find out how.  

5G Drones are Cost-Effective  

The biggest advantage 5G drones offer as a live broadcast tool is cost-effectiveness. Consider the conventional way to do things. A simple skyline shot would mean chartering a plane or a helicopter. If weather conditions grow poor, you’ll have to cancel. You would also have to pay for fuel, pilot services, and even the charter service for use of their aircraft.  

However, 5G drones are much cheaper to own and operate. A decent drone is still relatively expensive compared to another consumer tech. But when compared to a full-sized aircraft, a drone has only a fraction of the cost. This indicates 5G drone tech is far more accessible to even smaller networks. And with more networks using these drones, the most benefit of better live broadcasts comes to the average viewer.  

Drones Tend to Be More Maneuverable  

Other than being far cheaper, drones are also far more maneuverable than a small airplane or a helicopter. That adds to their utility as a tool for filming and transmitting better live broadcasts. 

A drone can easily fly where larger crafts can. It can be just as useful in a large indoor venue as it would be in a high-speed car chase. The drones can also come far closer to the object they film. This allows for far more stunning visuals and the feeling of being up-close and personal.  

5G Allows Better and Faster Live Transmission 

HD technology has been around for some time now. But HD live broadcasts have only become mainstream after 5G technology. 4G LTE, while faster than all previous generations, only transmits data at 50 Mbps. Older means of data transmission were even slower. Analog TVs could only support up to 4.5 Mbps bit rates. Which left standard definition as the only workable option.  

Do you know How Fast is 5G? 5G can theoretically transmit at up to 20 Gbps. That means it can film and transmit live broadcast feeds at a much higher quality and bitrate. And with modern TVs supporting HD and 4K resolutions, the audience can tell the difference. The crisp high-def experience of live news or sports broadcasts is almost as good as watching one in person for many viewers.  

Less Damage if a Drone Crashes  

There is also another concern with aerial filming that 5G drones can help broadcasters overcome. Conventional aircraft like airplanes and helicopters are mechanical. That means they rely on a lot of hardware, and hardware can malfunction or fail. Even if a pilot conducts a proper pre-flight check, there is no telling when something could fail mid-air. The consequences of a crash could be devastating. Millions in injuries and property damages could accrue. It could also threaten the lives of both the people in the craft as well as those on the ground. A drone weighs almost nothing compared to a heavy piece of machinery like an aircraft.  

Well-Suited for Sports and Large Events   

5G drones are a great all-around device to use in broadcasting HD content live. However, thanks to the nature of the technology, drones are actually more suited to certain kinds of broadcasts than any other tool. For example, a motorsports event like the World Rallying Championship or Formula 1 is a fast-paced sport for the adrenaline junkie. A drone can get a viewer as close to racing as one can be without being a racer. Broadcasters will inevitably receive a lot of appreciation for the exciting new camera angles and immersive visuals.  

Read Also:

1. Evolution of Wireless Generations from 0G to 5G

2. How Will Companies Take Advantage of 5G Technology?

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