Planning To Order In? How Safe Is Food Delivery In The Pandemic

The online food ordering system makes it easy for modern-day consumers to place an order. During the pandemic, ordering food online is safer than eating in a restaurant if you follow the safety guidelines. If you are planning to order food online, follow these hygiene practices and safety tips.

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Food Delivery Services

Ordering Food Online? How Safe is Food Delivery in the Pandemic

The covid-19 pandemic has rocked every sector of life differently; the demand for food delivery in the pandemic is something of a moment. Fast-food chains and restaurants have switched to a go-only model. They have closed their dining rooms and offering only take-out or delivery services. But those who are worried about getting exposed to this monster might be thinking that ordering food is safe. Here’s what you all need to know.

There is no evidence suggesting that the food produced in the restaurants can transmit COVID-19. Moreover, there is no evidence of food packaging being associated with the transmission of coronavirus. If the food is prepared safely, there is not a considerable risk. Touching the counter, table, and other surfaces while dining in a restaurant means you are putting yourself at risk of contracting the coronavirus. So, ordering food online is safer than dining in a restaurant if you follow the safety tips. 

Order From Trusted Restaurants

Corona is spreading very fast. So, gone are the days when you experiment which eatery is good and which is not, as you can not trust any restaurant in this pandemic. Just opt. for trusted and your favorite restaurants that calm your safety concerns. Big restaurants have a set of guidelines on their website that showcase the measures they are taking to ensure the cleanliness of food during the pandemic. Avoid ordering from those places that provide below standard food or if it had made you sick before. 

Consider What You Are Ordering

It is not a time to share food with anyone, whether your friends or even family members. You may also reconsider what you will order, especially ordering raw foods, as cooked foods are not a concern unless they get contamination after cooking.

Go For No-Contact Delivery

Maintain social distancing and avoid meeting the food courier in person. Many food delivery chains and restaurants have launched systems and listed the steps on their apps and websites that limit the contact between customers and the food delivery person. You can ask the food courier to drop your food at the gate, and you can send them a photo of where they should leave the food. It is better to hang a bag outside the door so that the food courier can place the food in it. Try to choose a digital method to pay the delivery person to avoid contact as much as possible. If you want to tip the food courier, it can be done through the app too.

Wash Your Hands

Always wash your hands whenever you have a meal, but it has become more critical in these times of pandemics.

Wash your hands thoroughly for 20 seconds at least, and do not touch your face after handling the packaging and before you sit down to eat.

Throw Out The Food Packaging

Although there is no evidence suggesting the transmission through food, the virus is believed to stay on different types of surfaces for almost nine days. It is better if you transfer the restaurant food into your container immediately. Be careful while disposing of plastic packaging or cardboard. Try to dispose of them in a bag so that the sanitation worker can collect the litter without touching the packaging.

Heat Your Food For Two Minutes

As you know that viruses are sensitive to cooking, so is the coronavirus. It is so sensitive to cooking that it gets killed when food is cooked correctly. But when you buy food online, it is likely to be infected with the virus as it is exposed to the environment during traveling. So, stay safe and heat the food again in either a microwave or in a pan for two minutes at least so that you can enjoy the food fully without having a fear of getting coronavirus.

There is still no evidence that COVID-19 is food service-driven or foodborne-driven. But as long as you maintain hygiene and follow the food safety precautions, you can keep yourself and your families safe. If you still catch this deadly virus, avail of our medicine delivery service online via
Marham. pk.

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