Why Plant Trees?: Importance of Trees in Our Life

Trees give us clean air, water, and food, store carbon, stabilize soil, bring life to the world's wildlife, and make the earth a beautiful livable place.

It's time to protect forests, save trees, and spread awareness.

Importance of Trees
What is the Importance of Trees in Our Life?

Why Should We Plant More Trees? - Benefits of Trees

Trees are a small part of the creatures of God Almighty, but it is one of the most important assets of nature, as trees from the lungs of the planet and its great breathing space from which it gets oxygen.

The tree is not just an ordinary creature, but rather one of the largest products on earth, and it has great significance and many benefits, some of which are beyond the mind of most people.

Trees give an aesthetic appearance to nature and give it elegance and charm, as the green color that is covered with it brings in the soul peace, joy, and reassurance.

A tree forms a habitat for many living creatures that build their homes on it, such as: birds, squirrels, and many small creatures that take shelter in tree hollows, and it also helps protect the various living creatures that use trees as a hiding place to help them camouflage and hide from enemies.

The benefits of trees are not limited to the fact that they give different types of fruits, as they provide the shade in which creatures rest.

People also obtain from trees the wood from which the furniture and many crafts and tools are made, as well as paper and firewood that are used as fuel for heating, are extracted from them. Trees fruits, leaves and branches are fodder for many animals.

Trees also have a very important role in preserving the environment, as they purify the atmosphere from pollutants and air polluted with dust and carbon dioxide, prevent dust from flying, help to soften the atmosphere through the transpiration process carried out by their leaves, and reduce the occurrence of global warming. 

Trees' roots hold in the soil and prevent it from eroding, and they calm the wind and slow down its speed.

Importance of Trees in Our Life

Trees are our lifeline to improve air quality by producing oxygen, store carbon, moderate the effects of sun and wind, and clean the air by trapping dust, pollen, and other pollutants.

benefits of trees
What are the benefits of trees?

The following are the most important benefits trees provide to humans:

Trees Release Oxygen

Life without trees is impossible. The tree provides humans with the oxygen that we breathe. . 4,046.85 square meters of mature trees provide enough oxygen for eighteen people. Ten mature leafy trees produce oxygen enough for ten people to breathe in one season for an entire year.

The tree also absorbs, stores, and releases carbon dioxide that contributes to climate change as oxygen. 4,046.85 square meters of mature trees absorb as much carbon dioxide as the amount emitted from a car that drove 26,000 miles.

Trees also act as a giant purifier that cleans the air, in addition to removing air pollution by cooling the temperature and intercepting particles in the air.

Trees Improve the Soil

It is well-known that trees help improve soil fertility and reduce the effect of erosive forces using their root systems and foliage.

Trees increase the soil's ability to absorb and retain water, moderate soil temperatures, maintain high levels of organic matter in the soil, and produce nutrients for plants.

Soil remediation is a method of soil purification and revitalization. The tree absorbs dangerous chemicals and pollutants in the soil, which is called phytoremediation, and the tree stores harmful pollutants or transforms them into less harmful forms. 

Trees work to purify the soil and clean it of pollutants, roadside spills, filter sewage water, and agricultural chemicals, reduce the effects of animal waste, and purify spilled and running water, this is known as phytotherapy, and they also help to maintain soil erosion.

Trees Influence Wind Speed

Trees affect wind speed, reduce air temperatures and humidity and protect your home. Trees act as windbreaks and shelterbelts during storms and cold climates, as they contribute to reducing the wind velocities, home heating bill by up to 30 percent, and also protect crops and pastures from drying winds.

Research studies have suggested that croplands protected by windbreaks showed an increase in productivity.

Trees Help Fight Climate Change

Trees provide many benefits to our atmosphere as they help fight climate change, prevent flooding, reduce city temperature and keep soil nutrient-rich.

The tree is famous for its cold shade as shade reduces the need for air conditioning in summer, and in winter the tree breaks down the winter winds, which leads to lower heating costs.

Trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the atmosphere. The carbon stored in the trees and soil helps slow the rate of global warming. 

Some studies have shown that areas without a cold shade of trees can be heat islands.

Trees Provide Nourishment and Healing

The tree provides food for humans, birds and wildlife as a whole. Seeing trees and meditating on nature helps reduce mental fatigue.

Studies have shown that patients who have a view of trees from their windows cure diseases faster with fewer complications. Just as children with ADHD show fewer symptoms when they have the possibility of being in nature.

Trees Help Improve Mental Health

Being around trees is good for our mental and social well-being. Trees and green environments support relaxation. 

Spending time around trees and looking at trees relieves anxiety, stress, and depression and improves overall mental health and mood, in addition to that, living near trees speeds up the healing process from diseases.

Several studies show that both exercising in forests and sitting just by looking at trees reduce stress-related hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline.

Trees Help the Economy Grow

Trees play vital social and economic functions, including providing goods and services, such as food income and employment, which are necessary conditions for promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth.

Studies have shown that average house prices are 5% to 18% higher when they are close to mature trees.

People are drawn to live, work, and invest in green surroundings, and companies benefit from a healthier and happier workforce if there are gardens and trees close to the workplace.

Trees also provide ecosystem services that are critical to the well-being of all humankind.

Trees Increase Property Value

The proximity of healthy, beautiful trees increases property value because it increases the aesthetic property.

Good tree cover increases property prices by up to 7% or more in residential areas and 18% for building lots.

Quality landscaping with healthy trees can increase property values by as much as 20 percent.


Trees are nature's greatest gift that must be looked after with real care. 

Trees give us oxygen, store carbon, stabilize soil, provide us with the materials for tools and shelter, bring life to the world's wildlife, and make the earth a beautiful livable place.

Trees also play a vital role in photosynthesis by converting solar energy into chemical energy.

It's time to protect forests, save trees, and spread awareness. The most important step is to stop cutting the tree and increase tree planting and protect it from forest fires that cause the destruction of many trees.

Trees need many years to grow and enlarge, and it is not permissible to disregard tree cover, because cutting trees portends real environmental disasters and directly affects humans, animals, and even plants.

The Scientific World

The Scientific World is a Scientific and Technical Information Network that provides readers with informative & educational blogs and articles. Site Admin: Mahtab Alam Quddusi - Blogger, writer and digital publisher.

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