How a Plagiarism Checker is Useful in Blogging

A plagiarism checker tool is a detection software that works to identify content similarity matches. To maintain the credibility of your website, you would have to vigilantly check all the blogs. Plagiarism checker tools are your safe havens in this situation. Find out how a plagiarism checker is useful in blogging.

Plagiarism Checker

How is a plagiarism checker useful in blogging?

The rise of the freelancing industry has also created some problems as well. So many newbies claim to be writers but when you ask them to write a 500 words article, they will present a document with copied text from the internet. 

This situation is embarrassing, for the writer and for someone who accepts guest posts from other bloggers. 

To maintain the credibility of your website, you would have to vigilantly check all the blogs. Plagiarism checker tools are your safe havens in this situation. These tools will highlight any signs of duplicated content. 

First of all, you must know what plagiarism is. 

What is plagiarism?

To know what plagiarism in blogging is, first you need to understand what exactly plagiarism is. defines plagiarism like this; “An act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and representation of that author’s work as one’s own”

Plagiarism is a Latin word that means “to kidnap”. In this context, this means the kidnapping of text, ideas, and sometimes whole articles. Plagiarised content is stealing someone’s words without giving them any credit. 

Plagiarism can also be defined as the most similar imitation.  Plagiarism is morally wrong and you lose the confidence of the readers. There is a famous quote that says imitation is the best form of flattery. However, this quote should not be taken too seriously when it comes to blogging. 

Types of plagiarism 

There are several types of plagiarism. Plagiarism can arise if you fail to put quotation marks or forget to include references. Copy-pasting is an extreme type of plagiarism and should be avoided as much as possible. 

Think about it what is the point of writing the blog by copying it when someone else has already written it in a better way? 

The most obvious type of plagiarism is complete plagiarism. When someone copy-pastes the content of another writer without giving them any reference then it becomes a type of complete plagiarism. 

Another type of plagiarism that is still very unethical is partial plagiarism. It arises when someone copies the part of someone’s content and passes it as their own. Partial plagiarism requires some effort as compared to complete plagiarism. 

The situation of Accidental plagiarism arises when ideas and central phases overlap with some other content. This type of plagiarism occurs due to the sloppiness of the writer. 

Plagiarism can be intentional and sometimes it can be accidental. Whatever the situation is, make sure to use a plagiarism checker to maintain the authenticity of your blogs. 

Why should plagiarism be avoided in blogging?

The problem of plagiarism is more common than you realize. One research shows that almost 35% of undergraduate students submit plagiarized work. You can imagine that those people will continue with this practice in their professional life as well. 

In simple words, plagiarism is an unprofessional and unethical practice. Realistically speaking, why would someone read if there’s already an original version of that piece? 

We write blogs because we want to provide readers with useful information and we should take pride in it. Plagiarism on the other hand damages the reputation of the writer

When you write blogs by copying others' content, there is a high chance that someone else will also do the same. The results of writing plagiarized blogs are more serious than you can think. 

It can result in google penalizing your website. However, there is a very good solution to this. Plagiarism checker tools help you to avoid writing any kind of content that is copied.

Although blog writers want to use these tools to write quality blogs, they think that good tools are very expensive. This perception is not true. Many good ones are free and very convenient to use. 

How to avoid plagiarism in blogs?

It will not be considered plagiarized content if the information is common knowledge. Generic and widely-present material does not come under the category of plagiarism. 

In this situation, there is no need to cite your sources because users are already aware of them. You can avoid plagiarism by rephrasing the original content. 

It is necessary to search for a specific topic before writing a blog. A writer needs to collect the source material before writing on any topic. 

It is also important to review the already existing information. While researching the topic, it may seem like everything has already been said and writing. 

Do not get overwhelmed by this. Every writer needs source material unless you are an expert on that topic. This is an easy trap into which writers fall. They get overwhelmed by all the information and start copying ideas. 

Blogging is about giving your perspective on that topic. Plagiarism can be easily avoided when you put your thoughts in words. It can also be avoided by citing multiple sources. 

There are other ways to check if the content is unique and completely plagiarism free. One of them is to use plagiarism checker tools. 

The easiest way of doing this is by copy-pasting the sentences on google. The Google search engine will give the web pages that have similar data.

This whole process is time-consuming and creates a lot of mess. Therefore, we suggest you use plagiarism checker tools to check for any signs of duplication. This is the most convenient method for writers to finally check their blogs. 

If you are unsure as a writer whether your content is plagiarism free or not, you can use plagiarism checker tools. You can even check who is copying your content.

A good option is to create a copyright page for your blog. This can be placed in the footnote of the website or any place that is easily visible. In this case, you can ask google to remove the blog if someone copies your content.


Thousands of blog posts are published almost daily. Commonly, some information overlaps with others. As the internet is flooded with millions of blogs, plagiarism is bound to happen one way or the other. 

Therefore, you would have to be extra careful while writing a blog. Being conscious of the writings and tracking correct information can help you avoid plagiarism. 

Plagiarism-checking tools also help you stay away from duplicating the content accidentally. Several online tools are available for writers which can be used to make sure that content is unique in itself.

The Scientific World

The Scientific World is a Scientific and Technical Information Network that provides readers with informative & educational blogs and articles. Site Admin: Mahtab Alam Quddusi - Blogger, writer and digital publisher.

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