Advantages Of Introducing Programming To Children

Coding for kids favours the development of computational thinking, as well as many other skills and abilities that are essential for teaching today. Let’s take a look at some of the great advantages of introducing programming languages to children.

Computer Programming for Children, coding for kids
Introducing computer programming in the classroom

Some Of The Great Advantages Of Introducing Programming To Children

Programming is an international system that allows designing, coding, managing, and interacting with different STEAM projects through the use of computer languages. It is much more than working with codes and learning to program, it has much more background and a creative component that is not very prominent in schools.

The possibilities offered by computers and the programming environment are generating increasing interest among teachers and parents as a part of the student learning process. These tools are considered fundamental pillars for the development of computational thinking. That is the development of the ability to solve problems by applying logical, mathematical, algorithmic thought processes, etc.

Benefits of programming 

Programming for children favours the development of computational thinking, as well as many other skills and abilities that are essential for teaching today. It is key to boost problem-solving ability and the strategy to divide the problem into small parts for which to seek different solutions until the final result is found.

Through a series of available resources and tools, students have to put their ingenuity to the test to build whatever comes to mind. Along the way, they encounter a series of setbacks that they have to face individually or as a group.

In this way, children learn to channel frustration, learn from their own mistakes, pursue goals, have fun looking for solutions, etc.

Starting to program at an early age has multiple benefits for the development of the individual, collective skills, and abilities. In younger children, it favours natural curiosity.

In addition, to help with the development of soft skills necessary for real life and the future adaptation of children in society and in the world of work.

  • Direct contact with new technologies is produced in a playful and educational way.
  • Mathematics, logic, and reading comprehension skills are developed through abstract thinking.
  • The ability to work as a team is favoured through the pooling of individual skills and knowledge with the aim of starting a common project. 
  • Confidence and self-esteem are built as students learn to code and find solutions to problems that arise along the way. 
  • The ability to concentrate and pay attention to the same task over a long period of time is enhanced.
  • The pursuit of objectives is worked on through perseverance and motivation until they become a reality.
  • Creativity and imagination are fed through the constant search for solutions to each problem.
  • It adapts to the different educational stages and levels with the development of different activities: web page design, game programming, educational robotics, etc.
Read More: Top Benefits of Coding and Programming Robots for Kids

Why should all children learn to code?

Learning the fundamentals of programming provides students with skills that will serve them well in virtually any career they choose.

Furthermore, there are few activities that ignite and excite a room full of students like a programming class. 

Benefits of building the programming skill sets:

  • Logical thinking
  • Problem-solving
  • Persistence
  • Collaboration
  • Communication.

But How to Introduce Coding in the Classroom?

Here are 5 ideas to consider to start introducing programming in the classroom. 

1. Connect

There are so many educators and organisations promoting computer science. The first thing is to inform yourself and learn the different options. 

2. We don't need computers

Programming is a language that is all about logic and problem solving, so working in pairs is actually a great way to increase output, develop collaboration skills, and allow kids the opportunity to take on different roles in society. In fact, there are many activities that we can do without computers.

3. Trust the children

Even the little ones can gradually learn the principles of programming, it will undoubtedly be a fun and motivating activity for them.

4. Make it fun

Choose age-appropriate resources that allow children to progress and grow.

When considering how to teach programming to children. Keep in mind that although children seem like sponges they learn very quickly. We are not dealing with future programmers, at least not at the moment. Thus, the objective is to offer the necessary tools to boost their computational thinking and their ability to solve problems.

For this, the fundamental thing is to select active learning methodologies that motivate children to learn about programming. Preventing it from becoming the simple fact of learning to program for programming's sake. 

You can opt for simple projects in groups of three to four students who can add their individual knowledge to give a global solution.

In addition to the methodology, it is also important to select a suitable programming system. Since the ideal is that it be as intuitive as possible to get started in the programming language. It will always be positive that the tool offers the possibility of accessing more advanced levels.

There are numerous possibilities for children to learn programming in a fun way :  

  • Games 
  • Web pages
  • Robots
  • Applications for mobile devices.

The best way to get a child up and running with no prior knowledge in the world of programming is through programming basics. You can start with visual elements based on graphic representations and simplified functional processes to encourage curiosity and interest. Online class is also a good option to start learning programming.There are many online portals that offer an engaging and enjoyable online coding class for kids

At the moment in which the child has already acquired the basic notions of programming, it is possible to move on to programming languages ​​based on texts.

Programming games for children

There are different games to start getting familiar with different programming concepts. Through gamification, it is easier for children to reach basic knowledge and learn to structure a programming code in a logical way. 

Later, that learning will be very useful for learning more advanced programming languages ​​based on texts.

Pick a Simple Starter Project

A child's first painting won't be the Mona Lisa, and their first coding project won't be a next-generation video game. And that's fine. When teaching coding, use simple projects as a starting point and build progressively more complicated tasks as your coding skills advance.

A kid may want to create the next great Minecraft addon, and that's a great goal! Let this motivate them, but don't let the inability to do it the first day put them off. Start with learning basic design and problem solving and help them understand how this will lead to their ultimate goal. Simple projects allow an hour of code a day to be enough programming for kids to continually improve their skills.

Read Here: 8 Reasons Coding for Kids is Not Just Another Fad


Teaching young learners how to code at a defined scale will help them shift their paradigm, and ultimately make them aware of the latest and upcoming technology. They will become better at managing, and interacting with various technical projects, which will eventually result in sharpening their skills at a broader level.

The Scientific World

The Scientific World is a Scientific and Technical Information Network that provides readers with informative & educational blogs and articles. Site Admin: Mahtab Alam Quddusi - Blogger, writer and digital publisher.

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