Event Personalization: Tracking the Conference Attendee Journey

Event personalization includes all the strategies and tools used by event organizers to tailor your events, outreach, content, and activities to meet the specific needs of your target audience.
Learn how to personalize your event experience, how technology can help measure event personalization, how to collect valuable data from events and more. Here, we have discussed the six key stages of the event personalization that ensure a wonderful experience for attendees.
Conference Attendee Journey
Event personalization

How to Personalize Your Events: Analyzing  the Various Stages of the conference Attendee Journey

The human desire to be recognized as an individual has been taking the forefront in terms of the deliverance of various services and experiences.
The impact of this concept of personalization is evident in every field and sector, including event organization and management.
For professionals operating within this industry, providing personalized experiences to the attendees of an event has become the new norm.

The extensive use of digital technology in the planning and management of different aspects of an event has further popularized this trend.
Using these technologies for event personalization has resulted in greater participant engagement leading to the ultimate success of the event.

Event Personalization – A Brief Overview

Event personalization can be defined as the combination of tools and strategies used by event organizers to match the specific needs of individual participants.
The primary objective of event personalization is to offer a more curated, engaging, and successful experience to individual attendees. It is based on the understanding that people are different and hence think differently, have different learning capabilities, and respond to situations differently.
That is why event personalization is the key to make it successful and truly unforgettable for the attendees. This can, in turn, help organizers to attain pre-defined event objectives such as driving revenues and building long term customer relationships, in an effective manner.

Understanding the Different Stages of Event Personalization

Most people are of the opinion that event personalization is a daunting task that requires extensive data collection and great technical knowledge.
However, with the easy availability of technology solutions for handling different aspects of event organization and management, personalization has become a relatively simple and effortless task.
In fact, it is now possible for the organizers to create an app for the event on their own by using reliable event app builder software.
The process can be further simplified by dividing it into stages and integrating appropriate technology for fulfilling the personalization objectives of each stage.
Discussed below are the key stages of event personalization that ensure an amazing experience for the attendees.

Using Innovative Methods for Pre-Event Data Collection

A majority of event organizers today rely on efficient software that uses a wide range of attendee data for a truly memorable event.
The process of data collection for the same begins long before the actual date of the event.
Personalizing this data collection experience sets the tone for ensuring a great attendee experience.
The organizers need to make sure that the data collection process is interactive without hindering the day-to-day working of the attendees.
The process should focus on obtaining information through innovative methods that also help in making the attendees curious about the event. 
Event Personalization
Using technology for data collection

Personalizing the Registration Process

Personalizing the registration process is the most important step in the direction of ensuring an exclusive experience for the attendees.
Keeping the registration process simple and user-friendly is the key to ensuring its success in the way of a greater number of registrations. 
Rather than forcing prospective participants to fill up long, clunky, and generally cumbersome registration forms, it is advisable to design the forms to be crisp and interactive.
The organizers should also make it possible for the participants to fill up the embedded forms made available to them through links in emails or messaging

Create Awareness through Social Media

Social media channels have come to play an important role in creating awareness about an upcoming event.
With the number of people using various social media running into billions, they provide the perfect platform to expand the reach of the event in a cost-effective and timely manner.
Investing time and effort in creating an event page for posting or sharing relevant information, interesting facts, backstage video clips, and even personalized messages from keynote speakers and performers are just some ways to create a buzz about the event.
In addition, making it possible for registered participants to share the posts uploaded on the events page across their own social media profile can also help in creating a personalized experience.

Plan Event Agendas as Per Participant Interests

Attendees are likely to feel more interested in an event if its agenda matches their interests and needs.
In this context, the data collected from interested participants can play a vital role as the event organizers can use the same to plan sessions that are likely to draw a greater number of attendees.
For achieving this objective, organizers can use an agenda app to collect relevant information based on any similar events or sessions attended by registered participants.
In addition, the app can also be used to convey relevant information to the participants to help them discover in-event sessions that match their specific interests.

Offer Easy Networking Opportunities

One of the key aspects that drive people to take part in an event is the wide range of networking opportunities it offers.
By making it easier for the participants to interact and set up new networks or join existing ones, organizers can take personalization to a whole new level.
This can be ensured by using an app maker to include features in the event app for encouraging meaningful connections between participants.
Enabling attendees to interact with each other as well as the organizers and even key performers and speakers through dedicated chat rooms and in-app messaging services can ensure better networking opportunities for the attendees.

Simplify Interactions between Sponsors and Participants

It is only natural for event sponsors to seek interaction opportunities with the participants at various levels.
Enabling such interactions in a simple manner and without causing inconvenience to the participants is the key to successful personalization.
The organizers should make sure that they keep the interest and behavior patterns of the participants in mind while creating the most effective solutions for participant and sponsor interaction.
The participants should also be provided with the freedom to reject the interactions initiated by any event sponsors or participants without providing any reasons for the same.

Personalization after Event Completion

Event personalization should not be limited to only before and during the course of the event.
Rather the personalization process should continue well after the event is over as it helps establish an everlasting relationship with the participants.
Seeking detailed feedback from the attendees about their overall experience is just one aspect of post-event personalization. 
Other common ways of ensuring post-event personalization include sharing information about any similar upcoming events or even updating them about any special offers being made by a relevant sponsor with individual participants as per their interests and preferences.

Maintaining Privacy of Event Attendee Data

One of the key aspects of event personalization is the maintenance of any private data of the attendees before, during, and even after the event.
In fact, concerns about the misuse of data by event organizers or their partners are amongst the biggest reasons that prevent individuals and companies from sharing such data. 
Overlooking this important aspect of the attendee journey can result in alienating them from the band besides causing a deeply negative impact on its market goodwill.
Having stringent privacy laws in place and seeking attendee permission statements are just some ways to maintain the privacy of vital attendee data. 
Event personalization offers a huge opportunity for organizers as well as participating bands to enhance their reach and drive revenues. Having the right technology in place further helps to ensure a truly exclusive attendee experience.

The Scientific World

The Scientific World is a Scientific and Technical Information Network that provides readers with informative & educational blogs and articles. Site Admin: Mahtab Alam Quddusi - Blogger, writer and digital publisher.

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